Monday, May 23, 2011

++Mother's Day++

Once again this year Wyatt's class put on a Mother's Day Tea for us.  It started with a little program.  I snapped this shot before he remembered that he had decided not to sing and participate.  It's ok.  It will keep me from being one of those stage moms. 
 He did his job as waiter well.  But still too cool to smile for the camera.
 Well, at least one of us had a lovely time at the tea.
 On the real Mother's Day I was treated to breakfast and the most beautiful huge hanging basket that will grace me with colorful blooms all summer long and permission (or a command?) to go purchase a grown-up handbag. 
Thanks for a great Mother's Day...but every day I feel blessed to be mom to you two kids (frowns and all).

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