Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1. Wednesday will be day three of no school for us (Monday was a holiday but schools probably would have been closed anyway).  We're getting by.  I'm just hoping things clear up by Thursday.  Snow seriously shuts this place down. 

2. The kids have fully embraced the snow though. Mark took the kids to the mountains to sled on Saturday then the sledding came to us!

3. Like a good son of an elementary school teacher, when the snow started falling Mark knew just how to show them the flakes.

 Wyatt preferred to eat them.

4. The bulk of the snow fell Sunday night.  On Monday we bundled and checked it out (midwesterners, please keep your snickers about the lack of snow to yourself).

Claire thought it looked soft enough to sleep in.

 Wyatt couldn't wait to clear off Mark's car.  How can we harness this and bring it back out in a couple of years?
 Then he made a snow angel.
 I had to get a shot of my cuties.  Is Claire all girl or what?  Look at how she stands in her too-big-hand-me-down-boys snowpants.
 Wyatt tested the cul-de-sac/sledding run.  The benefits of living at the bottom of a steep street!  I took a few runs too.  Kind of takes you back.
 The kids went out later with dad to make this buddy.  Claire named him Kaloo Kalee. 

5. Claire has entered this crazy clothes changing fifty times a day phase.  Ugh.  I try to out my foot down but then it's almost like she spills on herself on purpose just we we'll agree to change her clothes.  We've also had to hide her summer clothes so she'll stop begging to wear them.  The other day she convinced her dad to let her wear a tank top and shorts under her winter clothes.  Believe it or not, five minutes later she was "hot" and took off the outer layers.  Stinker. 

6. Claire doesn't say "forgot" she says "gotfor".  So cute. She's been doing it for a while but I want to put it here so I don't forget.  Or is it getfor?  Other than that she is doing really well with her language.  She is stringing together well formed sentences with connecting words and adjectives and the whole deal.  Then again, I have to remind myself that she is almost three.  Seriously.  Three.

7. Wyatt spotted this box that delivered a bottle of wine to us this Christmas break and quickly asked if he could have it.  He then launched into this long description of the breathing tank he was working on during free art in school.  He brought it to school on the first day back and I'm fairly certain he got about 30 minutes of one-on-one attention finishing this beauty.  It has shoulder straps and a velcro attachment to hold the mouth piece.  I was so proud of him and so happy that he goes to a school that will ride waves like that with him.  (he wasn't cooperating so well for a photo...)

8. Mark and I have become hooked on Modern Family.  We're still watching to DVDs of season one.  If you are familiar with this show, please do not tell me that I remind you of Claire.  I have already been told that by my husband and brother-in-law.  I am not amused. 

9. So Wyatt has decided that he wants to marry me when he is six. Yesterday he got really mad at me and told me he wasn't going to marry me anymore (I have to admit, it kind of stung a little to hear that one!) We reconciled.  Today I pressed him for a little more details.  He asked if he had to talk into a microphone at the ceremony (think: Christmas program) I said no.  He said we should have chicken nuggets for our meal and go to Legoland for our honeymoon.  Love that kid.

10.  Sometimes the days get a little slow so we're forced to create our own fun.  We'll call this next series: Fun with static.  I dare you not to laugh.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

++Back Again!++

If I would have flaked out week two then I would officially be a flake.  I'd be lying if I said it didn't take a little effort to get to the computer to do this.  Ok, that's a lie.  I have no problem getting to the computer.  It's just the editing and the writing and all that jazz.  Ok.  Enough whining.  Here's what's on my mind this week. (note, yes this is a DAY late once it finally got posted.  For the record I had it written but Blogger was acting up and not letting me post photos.  Promise!)

1. Our fridge has been dying for six months.  We finally called a repairman who basically told us it wasn't worth fixing.  So we decided to bring our world's nicest stainless garage fridge (not world's nicest, just nice for the garage) which was a tag along from Memphis, in the house.  A $10 appliance dolly rental, a nice neighbor and a husband immobilized by a sore back later and I have never loved my old fridge more!

2.  After being used to operating with two freezers we are now on a frozen food-only diet.  First up is the giant turkey I bought for $5 after Thanksgiving.  Oh, and Edamame every night.  Note to self: the frozen aisles at Costco are now officially off limits! 

3. To Bachelor or not To Bachelor, that is the question.  I think the older I get the less patience I have for the drama.

4. Speaking of TV, there is a certain someone in this house who is lobbying to cancel our satellite/cable.  Ironically this subject did not come up until after the regular season of the NFL was over. 

5. Speaking of the NFL, this house is a little Packers crazy these days.  And you should see the kids do the "Discount Double-Check."  Some parents work hard to shield their kids from commercials but if we did we would miss out on all the comedic fun!  They also do a great hamster dance with that Kia Soul ad.

6. Check out this little article: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/162/veda-partalo-cadillac
I was her first boss in her first job in advertising way back when at Carmichael Lynch.  Mark will vouch for me having always said that she was the best person to ever work for me.  And...clearly I have now been left in her dust.  Couldn't have happened to a better person.

7. Here's a little update on my bedroom.  An "After" photo.

Credit to my wonderful seamstress mom for the pillow shams.  Credit to ME for the fabric covered lampshades.  It was actually a lot easier than it seems.  She was very kind to me in recommending non-tapered shades and a large pattern.  It is officially my happy place.  SO long overdue. 

8. Posts are more fun with photos.  Here are a few of my swimming kiddos at the hotel pool in Portland.  Mark was kind enough to not make me go in in the morning so I could take some photos.  Did I mention the  pool may have iced over if it wouldn't have been for little Geronimo Junior:

And her sidekick Wet Wyatt:

9.  I have taken so few photos recently that my camera is literally getting dusty.  Too dark, too rainy.  I need to get back into capturing the day to day and cute little moments like this:

10. I talked about our Christmas a little but it really can be summed up it just a few photos:

The moment she discovered the Cinderella dress.
 The boys in Lego heaven.
 The girls playing "go to school" in one of Claire's four new pairs of plastic shoes.  Since photos don't have sound, let me help you out: clonk clonk clonk clonk clonk...

Nana and Bompa were in town visiting for the ten days prior to Christmas.  They left on Christmas morning.  The kids really do like them, they just weren't so thrilled about sitting for a picture.  When I look at them all in a row like this, I sure do see the resemblance.

And there you have it.  See you next week!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

++Ten on Tuesday++

1. So this is my new strategy to keeping up with this thing.  I think I'll aim to post ten things every Tuesday.  Sometimes with photos.  Sometimes without.  There you have it.

2. This one probably won't have photos.  Sorry.  Christmas happened.  It was cloudy and overcast and DARK for all of our celebrations which means yucky yucky photos.  Clearly mother nature and Santa didn't chat. 

3. After Christmas we were all a little stir-crazy here so we headed to Portland with Mark for a night.  The plan was to tag along on a business trip sometime.  He didn't really have business to attend to.  I made him schedule a coffee meeting so we could expense our hotel room.  Always thrifty!  Did I mention the weather was generally yucky when we were there?  Portland is cute.  The kids liked the hotel pool best.  We decided next time we'll just go to Bellevue and they'll be thrilled!

4. Since I haven't been blogging you've missed out on exciting personal news from me like that I have braces now.  Well, not really braces, but Invisalign.  When your mom tells you to wear your retainers, listen to her.  It's way better when your parents pay the bill!  I'm super excited for the results though.  Maybe I'll post an "after" shot.

5. Another thing you missed is that I hired an online designer who I found in blog-land to design my master bedroom for me.  I love design and know what I like when I see it, I just struggle and hem and haw, which really means lots of time and not a lot of action.  This was so much easier!  Here is my moment of glory on her blog.  We've implemented a good bit of the results and are really happy.  A lot of it (those lamps?) pushes me outside of my comfort zone but in a good way.  Comfortable is boring.

6. I have her lined up to do Claire's room too.  She's finally going to get a proper room.  She has had hand-me-down furniture and live-with-what's-there paint colors her whole life.  I know.  Poor thing.  Someone should really report us to the authorities. 

7. Speaking of design.  Do you do Pinterest?  Love it.  Love Love Love.  I was able to send my designer a link to my bedroom file and it was done!  Easy as pie.  Even Mark likes it as it theoretically should eliminate piles of magazines and tear-outs for my "someday" folder. Theoretically.

8. I looked back at my resolutions from last year and I think I accomplished two...which were probably the most out of my control: no more diapers and no moving.  Well, there's always 2012.

9.  I am in the beginning stages of planning a princess tea party for a soon-to-be three-year-old.  We are 100% princess obsessed here.  Ironically she hasn't seen any of the movies as they aren't that easy to come by.  We have some books.  She carries around on them.  And costume catalogs. All day.  I am trying to use it to my advantage.  My latest is "princesses don't show their panties."

10. The kids are finally back in school today.  So good for them.  So good for me. 

Here's hoping you'll see me back at these parts next week!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I have failed this whole blogging thing horribly recently.  I'm not sure anyone even stops by to read this anymore.  I have toyed with giving it up but then I get sad about not having the documentation in my voice for the kids.  I also realized the parents and in-laws and aunts and uncles miss the photos. 
So.  In an effort to catch you up.  Here was August to December.  Gulp.

++We went on a fun little vacation to the Hood Canal.  Total last-minute trip booked after I saw this resort featured on a local news program.  Turns out it's right next door to Bill Gates' cabin.  Our weekend was complete with sightings of Bill's kids arriving in a helicopter and Bill himself docking his sea plane at the resort's dock.  Yes.  He looks equally as unimpressive in person. 
 ++Wyatt started Pre-K!  He should be very ready for school.  This is his third full year of proper preschool after all. 
 ++The little one couldn't be left out of the fun.  She started school as well.  Two days a week of fun for her and pure bliss for me.  Three hours have never flown by so fast!
 ++She didn't have to be potty trained for her school but after a week or two of watching her friends use the potty she couldn't be left out.  We had a little apprehension about #2...nothing a princess scooter couldn't fix!
 ++We celebrated the fifth birthday of a certain boy Search and Rescue style.  Sixteen kiddos enjoyed the homemade party fun. 

 ++Wyatt scored his first goal and generally dominated the 3/4 year-old soccer league.  This September birthday thing has it's advantages.  He probably could have played up but the 5/6 year-olds would probably be less sympathetic to him missing the entire first practice due to uniform apprehension (this may not be a documented medical condition but we sure do suffer from it in our house).
 ++In a major breakthrough we celebrated Halloween with two happy kids in costume.  Claire was a pickle (her request...although late in the game she was really wishing she were a princess.)  Wyatt wore a homemade $0 construction worker costume.  It makes up for the no-go on the $50 Air Force pilot costume from last year.  It also helped that Larson was thrilled to be an Air Force pilot this year!!
 Even mom and dad  got in on the fun. 
 ++Wyatt learned to ride a two-wheel bike in about five minutes.  If only we lived in a place that was remotely bikeable. 
 ++We flew to MN/WI and were able to help Busha celebrate her 103rd birthday.  She requested a T-Bone steak.  Love that lady...
 ++In true Washington fashion we picked out a tree in the fog and rain.  We sure did get a nice one though!
 ++For those of you who didn't see our Christmas card...these two cuties made an appearance on the cover.  What you can't see is that Claire is wearing her dress from last year.  The tights barely made it past her knees.  What a sport.
 ++In yet another breakthrough for our family, we had NO TEARS with Santa this year.  Claire's request: Barbies and a Cinderella dress (my pre-mother self is totally rolling in her grave), Wyatt asked for the Lego Police Station.  Over and over and over again.
 ++Just so we don't get ahead of ourselves in the breakthroughs of 2011, Wyatt was his good old self at the class Christmas program.  The funny part is that he participates all the way up to the main event and this year his classmates were confused.  The guy next to him kept elbowing him trying to get him to sing.  By the way, the girl next to him is Romy...cutest thing ever.  She told her mom she isn't getting married but if she did get married it would be to Wyatt.  Done.  On the other side of her is Joey.  The new BFF of all the world.
 ++The little one didn't disappoint at her program.  Her school did disappoint us by putting the little ones sitting on the ground.  Good thing she had the big pink bow on.  It helped us keep track of her!
 ++Merry Christmas from the Pacynas!!!
Bring on 2012.  Something tells me this year may be exciting!