Friday, August 22, 2008

++Spillin' the beans++

We've got some exciting news around the Pacyna house...but you'll just have to check back in late February for the full story. Yep, that's right, #2 is on the way. I now have an excuse for my lack of blogging (and housework, and cooking and pretty much everything else) for the last six weeks. I'm FINALLY feeling better. I'm not sure who is more excited about it either, Mark or me.
Here's a photo just to remind us all what it's like to have a wee wee one around. I'm going to experience it first hand next week when I go to visit Cora.

Maybe this time our wee one will stay wee longer than a couple of days. This was at seven weeks...check out the belly!
Mark is getting home today after a week on the road. Yesterday Wyatt told his Dad over the phone "Daddy, come home". How's that for piling on the guilt? We got by just fine. It's especially great that we have a friend down the street whose husband works afternoons and evenings (FedEx) and loves to have company for dinner. We love to be the company!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

++Watch out Michael Phelps++

I wonder how many parents across the country make these types of comments to their little swimmers. We don't REALLY think Wyatt has that potential...he seems to be built a little sturdier than the swimmers we saw in the olympics. We're just thrilled that he seems to have taken very readily to the water. Well, I'm thrilled. Mark informed me that he is sore.

One of the greatest parts of our neighborhood is the community pool. It's two blocks away and open all the time. Never crowded, always available. We laugh because everyone down here in the eco-conscious South DRIVES their huge SUVs to the pool. Our neighborhood isn't that big. No one could be more than four blocks from it. We load up the wagon with the towels and the little swimmer and head out.

With the addition of his swimmies...he has become a fearless water bug. I don't know if I would call what he does "swimming" yet, but he keeps his head above water and is smart enough to spit water out if he accidentally takes any on. His favorite game (and the reason for daddy's soreness) is swimming to the ladder, climbing out and jumping "in". I say "in" because I hold my breath each time he jumps as Mark basically needs to pull him into the water so he doesn't land back on the deck. I think he told Mark "one more time" roughly 50 times. I'm happy to lounge on the steps or chat with friends. We'll work on flip turns next summer.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

++First day of school++

Yet another thing about Tennessee that just seems a bit backwards to me is that they start school just when us Minnesotans are hitting our summer stride. No complaints means Wyatt now spends five hours on Wednesdays and Fridays being enriched mentally, physically and emotionally...or at least that's what I tell myself as I am loving my time alone. I had to take this shot of him by the front door, just like we did every year growing up. I tried my best but couldn't get him to wear the backpack...or put the juice down. Notice the totally non-matching firetruck socks (gasp!). I put those on as one last effort to smooth the transition. Nonetheless he told me as soon as we pulled into the parking lot "Mommy, I want to go home." When I picked him up and asked if he had fun: "yeah!!!" (with arms raised in the air). Clearly no worse for the wear. As for me, the house got a thorough cleaning---hey, I thought this was supposed to be my fun time!

Friday, August 8, 2008

++A New Niece++

Our little bit of pink in our sea of blue arrived today! We're all excited because she has a great birthday 8-8-08 (consolation for my sister who has been wondering what took this baby so long!).
Cora Irene Buchholz arrived at 1:07 am (or something like that) and was 7 lbs, 8oz (again...a little fuzzy on the details as they came during a 4am phone call.) We're just super excited that she's here and healthy. I'm a little bummed that she doesn't have red hair though...
For those of you who don't know already, she's named after my Mom's mother (Cora is the pair to Wyatt's Carl). She was very special to us. Irene was my dad's special aunt. I can't wait to see some photos...and to hear how Larson is adjusting to the new addition to his family!