Monday, March 30, 2009

++Just for laughs++

My mom wanted a picture of her four grandkids together. Not an easy feat. Finding a time when all four of them were awake at the same time was next to impossible...and then hope that they are happy...and cooperative...yeah right. So pretty much we were just glad that no one was harmed in the process. Notice how Claire declines rapidly.
Cora's getting into it...
Now she's much more interested in Larson...
Wyatt is really getting excited about all his clapping family members. Larson just thinks they look like idiots. Claire is done...
Wyatt completes the YMCA, Larson picks his nose, Claire is starting to turn's all good.

Mom, I hope you got what you wanted. Better luck next year?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


When Wyatt and Claire's cousins Larson and Cora came to visit (along with their parents) we learned a lot about cousins in our house:

++Cousins bring you toys when they come (like a great fire station) and then you spend the rest of the week fighting over the ladder truck.

++Cousins are sometimes littler than you so you can teach them things like how to chew on toys (although Cora was pretty well versed in this one.)

++Cousins are great for sharing popsicles with.
++It's fun to play made-up games like run-and-dive-for-the-football with your cousin!
++A cousin in the bath tub means twice the fun!
++It's fun to show your cousins around town and visit the train at the town square. (And did you know that Uncles are almost as fun as Daddies?? Wyatt was quick to become Uncle Brett's shadow). ++It's even more fun to dress like your cousin and go downtown Memphis to ride the trolley, visit the fire museum, and see the ducks at the Peabody.
++The junior cousins had fun too. Believe it or not, they talked about fashion and cooking and all things girly (oh wait, maybe that was their moms...)
++And finally, we learned that cousins don't shake hands, cousins hug (Wyatt seemed a little more into this idea than Larson).

Friday, March 27, 2009

++Two and a half++

How is it that my little baby is now a full-blown big boy? Just ask him. He's not a big brother, he's not even Wyatt Pacyna...he's Wyatt Big Boy.
Here is a little about life with him at two-and-a-half.

++Most days he is a super happy kid. He wakes up with a smile and doesn't stop all day.
++He has his moments. He likes to push us, especially at dressing time. His latest gig is to decide he hates whatever shirt we pick. Or refuse both of two options. He then decides at bedtime he doesn't want his pajama shirt, he wants to keep wearing the same shirt he threw a tantrum over in the morning.
++He is a showman. He loves to get a laugh of of us and most days will perform on command. He does "tricks" (which look a lot like yoga) and tells us "watch this".
++His talking has taken off dramatically over the last couple of months. He now speaks in complete sentences and attempts to match the appropriate tenses of his verbs with his nouns. Sometimes he gets it wrong. Most recently we were getting "me are!" all the time. He recently has been telling me things like "Someday I would like to ride a motorcycle" and "When I am big I want to drive a dump truck".
++He enjoys art projects. I bought him some watercolors and he will literally sit and paint for half an hour. This is big for a two-year-old. He also loves his stamps. Thank goodness for washable stamp pads!

++He repeats everything he hears. He also asks "What is that" or "what is (insert word he hears here)." When Nana was here he caught me telling her something was "so dumb" so he pipes up in the back seat "so dumb? what's so dumb?" Oh dear. I am sure that it's only a matter of time before he is saying some less-than-pleasant words. I am trying to eliminate my prolific use of the word "crap" from my vocabulary--it's tough!
++He is still totally Daddy obsessed. I think that has helped with the baby transition as it is mommy who ends up spending most of the time with the baby.
++His favorite toys are not toys. They include couch cushions, brooms, anything Claire related and anything mom and dad happen to be using. He loves to play outside, especially catch and chase with dad. He also loves to "help" whether it is with bathing his sister or pulling weeds.
++He has been known to watch a little (too much) television. It is my goal to wean him once life with Claire gets a little easier. As of today his favorite show is Dora. He does a great Swiper imitation: "Oh Man!"
++His parents think he is pretty great and are really proud of how well he is adapting to his new role as big brother.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

++One Month Already++

This is the part where I am supposed to write all about the milestones reached and the cute and charming things done by my little one. To be the one-month mark there isn't much to say. She's a good little baby. She does everything she is supposed to very well: eat (as evidenced by the growing cheeks), sleep (we really can't complain here) and poop. She isn't much of a crier. She grunts and honks instead. She did get a little tired of my photo shoot though...
The nice part is that she's easily soothed, even just by the sound of my voice. She took her first bottle without any protest. She's suffering from second-child syndrome for sure. She often goes around with milk on her face and spit-up on her clothes. It doesn't mean we don't love her...her brother is just a little more demanding of our time. Mark and I continually comment on how we thought having Wyatt as a baby was so much work. Compared to a precocious two-year-old, infants are a breeze!
I'm so excited to see what the next month will bring---especially the smiles.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

++Here we go again!++

I said in the last post that Claire and Wyatt looked alike (but no one commented to tell me whether or not they agree...hint hint) but it seems that we are headed down a lot of the same paths AGAIN. Claire has reflux like Wyatt did. Luckily I was smart enough to go for the meds earlier this time and I already noticed an improvement last night. Not sure if this is related or not (some theorize that babies may eat to soothe an upset tummy), but she was already ten pounds at three weeks! I was still trying to eek out the last days in newborn size clothes but I quickly switched to the 0-3 month size because I have to make sure she wears everything at least once! Wyatt was in 3-6 months by 6 weeks. Yikes. My friend Missy who also grows big babies says we have high-octane breast milk. I guess so!
I am really excited about the NCAA tournament. It's the one time of year (ok, that's probably not true) that I LOVE being a stay-at-home-mom. Now I just have to convince Wyatt that watching basketball is fun. My favorite part is that he says "go gophers!" whenever he sees basketball on TV, regardless of what team is playing. Let's hope he has the chance to say "go gophers" for real for more than one game.
We're most excited about our visitors that are arriving tomorrow night. Larson and crew! I say it that way because according to Wyatt it is pretty much all about Larson. He has been telling us for weeks now all the things they are going to do together. I'm not even sure if he remembers him or if we just talk it up so much. Either way I am so excited to have the boys together and see Cora again. No doubt, photos will follow. My mom has requested a photo of all four kids together. If you can figure out a way to accomplish that one, let me know. My favorite quote from the car yesterday: w:"I'm going to play trucks with Larson. Brett too." me: "What about Aunt Susan, are you going to play with her too?" w:"No. Susan will talk to mommy". Ha! So true, but how does he know this already?
Self-applied peanut butter "mustache" from lunch yesterday. Lovely.

Friday, March 13, 2009

++Life with two++

I can't believe it has been a whole week since I last posted. It wasn't so much that we were busy with our new was that Nana was here so I spent my blog time chatting and doing stuff with her. She went home today. I'm on my own for the first time. Reality will really hit next week. It's Wyatt's spring break so it will be five days of me and two kids. No activities, no help. Yikes. Let's just hope the weather cooperates. Here's an update on what's happening around here:
++Wyatt has been adjusting surprisingly well to the changes in our family. The other day he told me "I like my baby sister Claire" talk about melting your heart. He really likes to get in on the caretaking duties, especially bathing (see earlier posts about his enjoyment of "washing" things).

++We've been doing pretty well with sleep. I end up getting up about twice in the night. I can deal with that. Wyatt slept through the night at two months so I have this countdown in my head to that day. Won't I be surprised if this baby has her own agenda?
++I am getting pretty good at doing things with one hand. I'm also working on mobile breastfeeding. Yesterday I walked all the way from our bedroom to the family room to help Wyatt with the TV.
++We've dubbed Claire "goose" as she does a lot of honking and grunting. Thankfully for us, so far not a lot of crying.
++She also could be called "cat" as she seems to prefer to wait until she has a clean diaper to do her duty. We call this trick being double-bombed. I think the record so far has been quadruple-bombing, my mom was blessed with that. ++Mark has lost seven pounds since Claire was born. I think I am close to twenty (which includes the baby).
++I took Claire to a friend-of-a-friend's house to lend her services as a newborn model. She is trying to build her portfolio. Sadly, even at two weeks Claire was slightly past the newborn stage. And...she was too interested in what was going on for sleeping--which is what the photographer wanted. We did get some shots of the two of us (which as you have seen is a rarity). I'll post a link once more of the images are available.
++We were HOPING that we would be spared another spitty baby but after a seventeen day honeymoon, it appears it may be starting. My mom pointed out that if she is spitty-uppy that it will likely require more clothing changes which will help use more of the ridiculous amount of clothes in her closet.
++Claire has already been to four restaurants. We laugh because this would have made us too nervous with Wyatt.
++So far we think that Claire looks a lot like Wyatt when he was this age--which is interesting considering neither Mark or I look like our siblings. We're ok with this as we think Wyatt is pretty cute.

Friday, March 6, 2009

++Settling In++

We're getting things figured out here as a family of four. We were so lucky to have help from Mark's parents who ran Wyatt ragged while we were in the hospital and getting adjusted at home. They also enjoyed meeting their new granddaughter (with two boys, this pink thing is really new to them!)
We had no more than unpacked our bags when the storm of the century occurred in Memphis. I say this in jest. We did get quite a bit of snow though. We were spared ice so the roads remained fairly safe. Most importantly, it was entirely contained to the weekend so it couldn't snarl up school or work for too many people. It did provide for some great entertainment for Wyatt!
Claire had a few firsts that I am trying not to forget to document with photos. We had lots of help from big brother for her first bath. Her right arm has never been so clean. He seems to enjoy these helping tasks so we've been trying to include him whenever possible.
Finally, this is mostly what Claire looks like these days. I am not going to say much about our nights right now because I am so afraid to jinx it. Let's just say, Wyatt got up every two hours for the first two months of his our low expectations are being exceeded. But we know it has only been ten days and things can change!

Pink eye update: we appear to be all clear in our house. Luckily the girls were spared. We have lifted Wyatt's quarantine and he has reentered the world. Thank goodness. Can't wait to see what he brings home next.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

++More Claire++

We're getting adjusted to life as a family of four. Here are a few more photos and details about Claire's arrival into the world...

This is what four hours of labor, three pushes and an epidural will do---you are still smiling when it's all over! I guess I put my time in for the first three months because I certainly can't complain about the delivery. The second time around is so much easier!
Little Claire came out screaming.
Meeting her Daddy.
Big brother arrives to check things out. Here he was testing out the finer points of the adjustable hospital bed.
All dressed and ready to go home! She is so small the elastic band on her pants didn't even touch her body. She is swimming in newborn size clothes. I wonder if she'll grow as quickly as her brother did?
Heading out into the world.

Since we've been home she's been doing a lot of this during the day...just not so much at night.

So far Wyatt is doing very well. He is interested in seeing what baby sister is doing. He touches her head and laughs at all the crazy faces newborns make. He really wants her to play. This was the one and only time he has asked to hold her. It lasted for about five seconds.

Yesterday and last night we got LOTS of snow here. Wyatt had a fun time playing in it. Most of it has melted already. We were also treated to another fun (and timely) visitor in our house: pink eye. Both Mark and Wyatt are afflicted. I'm hoping the baby and I are immune (and the IV antibiotics I got during labor killed anything in my system). Now we're off to bed to see what adventures we're in for tonight!