Friday, August 7, 2009

++Our final days in Memphis++

I'm catching up on things. Now that it has cooled down (and that's no exaggeration, it's been in the low 70s this week) and I don't have to spend all my computer time looking at houses, it's back to blogging!
One of the hardest parts of leaving Memphis was having Wyatt leave his friends. When we left Minnesota he was oblivious to it all (it was his mother who was crying all the time). During our time in Memphis Wyatt grew from a baby into a little boy and developed actual friendships. Here he is with his best buddies.

Next door neighbor Alex and Wyatt plotting out the route from Memphis to Seattle.
And having one crazy wet rumpus in the backyard.
The Wyatt, Sydney, Olly crew took on the Memphis zoo (along with their parents---and Claire).
Olly came down for a final goodbye and to check out a can't miss boy event: shipping the cars.
We were hoping for a car carrier but got a flatbed truck instead. Wyatt and I were treated to the car carrier on this end TEN DAYS LATER (yes, the cars were missed).
I guess you can say we are officially homeless. The contents of our home are en route. Mark is in the air. The Memphis chapter of our lives is officially closed. We'll miss all of our friends. Not so sure we'll miss the city. Although I sure think I took my nice flat yard for granted...

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