Thursday, August 20, 2009

++Lessons Learned++

Today is our last day in the apartment. I'm working on packing things up and continually wondering "what was I thinking?" as I see all the things we never touched while we were here. In my defense, as I packed I didn't know if we would be here for one month or six. I had to plan for six. A few reflections:

++No matter how many or how few toys you have, your child(ren) will only play with about 10% of them.

++No matter how many or how few clothes you have, you will probably only wear about 10% of those too. (I'm stuck on this one because if I keep paring back my wardrobe...10% leaves me with doing laundry all the time. There has to be a happy medium).

++Even though you think that living in a small condo with no yard to care for and no house "projects" to complete means that you will be able to tackle all those other things that were lingering on your to-do list--it doesn't.

++Even though the grocery store is literally right next door, it really doesn't make grocery shopping any easier when you have two kids. My dreams of walking to the store were quickly dashed when the dilemma of how to carry everything entered into play.

Next time, I'll know better. Oh wait, there better not be a next time!

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