Tuesday, August 18, 2009

++Filling our days++

We've been here almost a month now. Getting by in our little apartment. My mom asked me if we had met anyone yet...the answer was "no." You would think it would bother me more than it does. I have these two busybodies to keep me on my toes:

It's surprising. I wouldn't even say we were bored. Mark was gone for three days last week and that got long. The evenings are what get to me. We went to Susan's house one night and that helped. We've been seeing them a lot on weekends which has been fun. Last Sunday we had our first of what we hope will be weekly family dinners.
The kids keep going and growing no matter what is happening in their life around them. We try to keep things normal. We adapt as necessary. Wyatt has had more TV than he should. We go to the park daily though...that offsets it, right?
We spent most of our free time here house hunting and once that was taken care of, we were able to spend our weekends having fun. Playing tourist in your own town, something we like to do, is going to be super fun here. I have to remind Mark to pace himself. Our first stop, the aquarium.
Here's Dad reading the comics to the kids.

We've been playing a lot of the balloon game in our tiny yard. It involves a Chuck E. Cheese baseball bat and a balloon. I am sure all the other condo dwellers love it. This time the game was indoors and required a hat and "glubs" in order to mimic the guys on TV.

The little one is totally on the move these days. The other day she ate the directions I had jotted down on a post-it note. I'm learning. I frequently find her stuck under the coffee table (it's up against the fireplace so we have more play space).
Here's my buddy enjoying a favorite of both of ours: grilled cheese and tomato soup. He even breaks up his crackers to put in his soup. I'm so excited to have a full kitchen back and to start eating like we should be.
Speaking of eating like we should be. Everything is different with kiddo #2, isn't it? Claire LOVED licking the salt off this pretzel. Notice that that hand is not mine. I was too busy photographing the event to stop it though. She also loves ice cream. Lovely.

We're getting by. What I miss most is the order and routine of our previous life. It will return again...soon! Wyatt tells us often "I want to go home" last night he told his dad that he really missed home. It breaks our heart. Better days are coming little guy, we promise!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We miss you guys, Olly often talks of Wyatt and going to play with him.
Love the new house !