Tuesday, April 22, 2008

++Wyatt at work++

In our effort to instill a strong work ethic in our son, Mark and I have decided that it is important that we put him to work around the house sooner than later. Here are some of the jobs we have him doing.
Helping mom cook dinner.

Fixing his trike. This comes with a lot of sound effects that can't be captured in a photo.

He even has been hired by the zoo to be a cheerleader at the Sea Lion show!

Is there something wrong when one of your child's first 100 words is "weeds"? Notice the garden gloves as well.

We've been having a lot of fun outside now that the weather has really warmed up. I hear that April and May are the best time of year here so I've been trying to enjoy it while it lasts. All of the azaleas are blooming and it's gorgeous. Of course, we don't have any pretty flowering stuff in our yard...figures. Speaking of pretty flowering stuff. Here's the "after" project. It doesn't look like much yet but we see this view out all the back windows of our house and it is such a treat to have color. The phlox in front are already done with their blooming for the year but the rest of the stuff should keep color for most of the summer. I was promised that the roses in the back were easy to care for. We shall see! As for the rest of the yard. We're taking a break for now and contemplating hiring it done.

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