Tuesday, April 29, 2008

++Random Jottings++

Wyatt lost his toenail on his middle toe. Does this really happen to one-year-olds? I thought that only happened to old people. The funny part is that there was another one already underneath...I think he was born with two on that toe. Good thing that's the worst defect we've discovered so far.

We still have about ten pictures left to hang in our house. I feel like we have been hanging pictures ever since we moved in. Mark did promise me that there was a point in our previous house when we no longer had anything left to hang. I'm sure we'll reach it just as it's time to sell this house.

I've had a stretch of sad news recently. Nothing too close to home, but close enough to get you a little down. First I learned that one of my new friends down here, Sarah, lost her brother in a car accident. Then I saw this really sad story in the Strib. I knew the name sounded familiar and Mel confirmed that he went to Hopkins with us. It's a sad story either way, but seems that much worse when it was a classmate. Then I learned that my friend Linda's new baby Chloe has been in the hospital twice now in her short life. She's going to be fine, she just needs to learn how to gain weight. Then today I found out an ECFE friend of mine is getting a divorce because her husband was having an affair. Her son is Wyatt's age. So sad. Can't imagine what she is going through.

Glad to see the magnolias are about to bloom here---it will be like a giant bouquet of flowers every time I turn around. How can that not cheer a person up? I'll be sure to take a photo of them as it's a southern thing...

Another random jotting. In my effort to be more green, I took a lamp that was broken in the move to a lamp repair shop to see if it could be fixed rather than just throwing it away (they gave us the money for replacement). They can't make it good as new, but for $20 they are going to turn it into a different kind of lamp! How good am I for recycling broken things? Mark thinks I am nuts for getting excited about this. Did I mention that I had to drive to a place where all the parking lots are fenced in with barbed wire? That's something else that we didn't have in Minneapolis.

Finally, for those of you in MN: Mark your calendars for the great Pacyna northern trek. I booked our tickets tonight. July 2-8. We'll spend some of the time in Point but will be available for gatherings Sunday and Monday.

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