Monday, April 7, 2008

++Going Dark++

Sadly, I will be sending my beloved computer in to HP today. This will be it from here for a little bit. I have been challenged by my husband to see if I can go computer-less for a couple of days. We'll see how that goes. It's amazing how much I rely on it to see what time something opens or where something is located. I might just have to do things old-school and pull out the phone book. I'm a little behind on posting stuff...I still have photos of last weekend with the Dusoskys to share. It was just too nice out this weekend to be inside.
I just didn't want people to worry when they didn't hear from me that it was due to riots in Memphis. We're prepared to have some uproar either way (win or lose) tonight. I purchased extra food and water so we won't need to leave the house for a while.

Wishing a safe journey for my little computer buddy...but busy backing up all my photos just in case...

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