Tuesday, March 11, 2008

++Weekend Fun++

A good time was had by everyone involved this weekend. I was treated with a trip back to cold and snowy Minnesota. It has never felt so good! My friend Sara and I threw a baby shower for Tiffany and all the girls were there (minus Linda and Jolene who were dearly missed).

Tiffany, being the hip and edgy lady that she is, requested something a bit different for her shower. Sara and I had fun with the "Rockin' baby" theme.
Mommy-to-be Tiffany
The hostesses and guest of honor

This cute guy was on the invites too. We got this great cake from here. Not only was it super-yummy but they do a great job on the decorating. Wyatt's first birthday cake came from there too.

The food and drink was inspired by happy hour (don't you love the mini hotdogs?). We made some great non-alcoholic drinks. My favorite: Safe sex on the beach.

For favors we did rock candy. Pun intended.

We played a couple of games. The favorite was guess the lullaby version of popular rock songs. Thank goodness I was exempt. I would have been horrible at it.

Cheers! A good time was had by all.

I also had the bittersweet pleasure of visiting Wyatt's old buddies. They just keep growing up...I guess he does too so it should have been expected. I was sad that he couldn't see them too. He literally spent the entire first 15-months of his life with these kids. We had them hold his picture to keep him a part of the group. The word is that Wyatt's photo has become a favorite treasure of Hudson's.

The boys survived just fine. Wyatt learned how to say Mama while I was gone. I guess absence must make the heart grow fonder. Mark took a couple of photos while I was gone. They are on the other camera so that's another post.
The kitchen is also done...but not quite all put back together yet so no "before" and "after". In my defense, I was supposed to wait a day to make sure nothing leaked under the sink. That's tomorrow's project.

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