Saturday, March 22, 2008

++Before and After++

Before I can update on the Easter activities, I have some old business to take care of. Mainly, my mom just wants to see pictures so I will post them here for her. It's not easy to take pictures of rooms that the little tornado hasn't blown through. These were all done at night or when he was at school.

Here's the kitchen before. I didn't get one taken before the new microwave was installed.

Here's the kitchen after. It's not my dream kitchen...but it's an improvement on what was there before. Each time we do something we learn a little when my chance for my dream kitchen comes along, we'll be pros. I sold all the old appliances on Craig's List. I must not have asked enough as I had about 10 offers within a couple of hours. I was happy to see them go to good new homes. Makes getting rid of perfectly good appliances seem a little less wasteful.

Here's the "keeping room" a.k.a. where we spend all of our time. I really love having this space. It's casual enough for toys and snacks, and I can see it (and our TV) from the kitchen. Wyatt likes the door to the outside where he watches for the garbage truck, school buses, and DADDY.

Here is the little prince's domain. It doesn't look so sparse and cavernous in real life...I promise. For comparison, the rug in front of the rocking chair used to take up the majority of open floor space in his old room. He likes it in there. We've been having to coax him out of his crib in the morning. Especially since we changed to the alphabet crib sheet. He likes to point out all the recognizable objects to us.

We're so excited to have our fabulous friends the Dusoskys coming into town this weekend. We can't wait to share everything Memphis has to offer with them...and then have two other days to hang out when we are done with that! I'm interested to see how Wyatt adjusts to having two other kids in his house. It will be a good lesson in sharing, which he really needs these days.

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