Thursday, February 21, 2008

++The week in review++

I meant to post something earlier this week...honest. I guess it's a good sign that I am too busy with stuff and that the time is flying by here. Here's a quick wrap-up of what we were up to this past week:

Friday night: Wyatt received his Valentine from Busha and in it was a dime!!! He was so excited to take it to his piggy bank. If Mark and I go broke...we know where to go first.

Saturday: We got up bright and early (as we do every day thanks to our two-legged alarm clock) and headed to the Memphis Children's Museum.
Our future pilot (can we just tell you that there about eight million buttons in a cockpit...Wyatt liked touching all of them).

Perhaps the highlight of the day was driving the fire truck. You wouldn't know it by his face here (driving is serious business and requires concentration). But ever since then we ask him if he drove a fire truck and he makes the noise and does the motions with his hands...all with a HUGE grin on his face.

Let's just's a sight I hope I never see. Wyatt was smart in wanting to get out ASAP.

Sunday: We finally found a church and went on Sunday. It's not easy to find a Lutheran church around here. If you want a mega-church that looks more like a shopping mall than a place of are in luck. Lutherans are a bit more sparse in these parts. We spent the rest of the day trying not to blow away as another strange batch of weather came through.

Monday: Mondays are our only day off. Wyatt and I went to the grocery store. He has discovered the germ-infested "truck" cart. It's nearly impossible for me to maneuver but it keeps him occupied. Then we went to the club where I took my class that kicks my butt every week.

Tuesday: I was sore from the above-mentioned class. Wyatt went to school. I busted it and cleaned the house. On cleaning days I really miss 1600 square feet. I could vacuum the whole first floor without having to unplug the vacuum. Mark assembled a new toy box that is big enough to fit about five Wyatts. We now can almost pretend we don't have kids after Wyatt goes to bed at night.

Wednesday: We hosted the neighborhood play group at our house. I had to work hard to distract Wyatt who kept going to the door and saying "bye-bye" all morning. Kind of makes me wonder if life at home with mom is that bad? Three kiddos and two hours later...we survived. All the kids are older than Wyatt and he just does his best to keep up. We attempted to go to the park in the afternoon but even though the thermometer said 50s it was chilly. We went to the library instead and read books about trucks and trains.

Thursday: Wyatt is at school. I visited my new favorite place this morning...Hobby Lobby. Got to love the name. It's sort of a JoAnns and Michaels with a lot more home decor stuff. Now I'm working on the blog and will straighten up before I go get the little one. Mark is out of town until tomorrow. We're edging up on two months here. I will have to say the second month has gone much faster than the first.

On tap for the weekend: We're finalizing stuff for our kitchen mini-remodel. We picked granite this week and need to finalize appliances and stuff. Saturday night we are invited over to a neighbor friend's house for dinner. Olly is in the playgroup with Wyatt. Mark needs to do a long run in preparation for next weekend's big adventure: Little Rock half marathon.

More on that and house photos too...I promise.


The Cogan's said...

Thanks for hosting playgroup on Wednesday Kate. You were very brave to host the older kiddies :) and Mr Wyatt was the best at allowing his friends to play with his toys.
Were glad that your in our neighbourhood :)
See you Saturday.

Melissa said...

Hobby Lobby is here in Illinois too! It's da bomb! (Why does it feel weird to write that phrase about a craft store?!)