Friday, February 15, 2008

++My little valentine++

We feel lucky every day to have such a special boy in our lives. Valentine's Day was no exception. It's amazing your capacity to love these little ones. Wyatt was treated to all sorts of fun Valentine treats from his family. He got a Thomas video from Grandma and Grandpa (but really loved the fire truck card that came with it the best...we read it like a book.) He got a personalized travel bag with TRUCKS on it from Nana and Bompa. He quite enjoyed this one and likes to point at the trucks. He is also starting to like to see his name on things. He gets really excited when I write his name when we are coloring. He is working on saying Wyatt but for now we get "yay-yay". We got him some new markers and a tub toy. And did I mention that he came home from school with two bags of treats? The teacher greeted the kids in the morning let them know they were going to "sugar them up today". Needless to say, I signed up Wyatt for a new school next year. I feel fine with the place he is at but I feel really good about the place where he is going. Plus, they have really cute brochures and logo and this former ad girl is a sucker for stuff like that. Hey, a little branding goes a long way!
Here are a few shots of the little one in action:

I thought I should capture this one on film. Here he is putting his guys in and out of the lego doors. As I said before...25% of his day is probably spent doing this.

Coloring the Valentine cards that many of you received. This was a lot of fun at first...but got old for him very fast. Once there were a few lines on a card...he was ready to move on.

Wyatt discovered on his own that there is a great hiding spot in his bathroom. Yes, believe it or not, we have entire bathroom cabinets with nothing in them in this house (but could stand to have more in our kitchen...I thought it would be weird to store the blender in the bathroom though).

Here is the little one admiring his new bag. With a sneak peak of the new rug...more on that to come soon, I promise.

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