Tuesday, February 26, 2008

++17 Months++

Are you kidding me? I think I will shed a tear at this time next month. At 18 months you are really no longer a baby. I'm not ready for him not to be a baby anymore (well, at least for the most part). I have been subjected to what I call "attachment parenting" when Wyatt comes home from school. His position of choice for the rest of the day is on my lap. Not next to me, by me, nope, ON me. Seems nice except he doesn't sit still. He just wants to bounce around and play, all from my lap. I try to just remind myself that it's only a matter of time before he won't even get near my lap (or fit for that matter).

So I took a few photos of him today once it hit me that today was his "birthday".

His outfit was intended to be with brown corduroys but out of the blue his belly was far too big for them this week. This was also a smile on demand. Where is this crazy mop of hair coming from?

If you look below his eye you can see the beautiful bruise he has from the edge of his table. Ironically, most of Wyatt's bad falls have all happened while I was inches from him but not anticipating what is about to happen (like the time he made it all the way down the stairs and then missed the very last one...) I got some funny looks at Target when it was really fresh.

Meet Wyatt the crazy puzzling fool. In a matter of days, he has mastered the 9-piece puzzle. We laugh because he puts the pieces in the wrong spot and then shakes his head. He's actually pretty quick. We're proud because the puzzles are for 2-4 years. Notice the subject matter...not sure if he would be remotely interested if it were anything else. We are also treated to the sound each vehicle would make as he puts the pieces in.

That's about it. He's slowly adding words to the vocabulary. It seems I notice more and more each day. He still doesn't say Mommy... We're blessed with great weather about once a week here and we head to the park. He is getting really good at his climbing skills there. Can't wait for him to apply them at home. His eating is only ok. I shouldn't complain as he can't seem to get enough fruits and vegetables. I just wish I could get him to eat some more of the "staple" foods. All in good time.

As for Mark and me. We experienced the corruption you hear about down here firsthand today. We finally decided to get our driver's licenses and license plates. After researching last night and learning that there is no place within 15 miles of here and only three places in all of Memphis to get your license, there is only one place...downtown...to get your plates. We waited in line outside in sub-40 degree and windy weather for about half an hour before we got inside and learned that we needed a passport or birth certificate in addition to our MN licenses and a bunch of other crap. That was our bad...but the half an hour drive and half an hour wait outside?? Makes you want to bend down and kiss the good ol' midwestern ground...even though it is probably REALLY cold.

Tonight we are instituting our first no tv night. Mark wanted to do two days a week but I felt it best to ease into things. We decided that we spend way too much time sitting on our butts doing nothing. It's hard because after a long day at work, with child shown above, or dealing with Memphis inefficiencies sometimes it's nice to play lumps. I guess that is what the other six nights are for. I'll report back on if we actually get anything done.

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