Monday, February 11, 2008

++Model Behavior??++

So we took the little guy to get his picture taken yesterday. We were worried his life would go by and there would be no record of what he looked like...ha ha. Despite the fact that I put a camera in his face all the time at home, for some reason I feel like I am a bad mom if I don't take him somewhere to get his photo taken "for real". The entire process is painful. He is much more interested in the lego table in the lobby than being in the room to get his picture taken. There are lots of tears and resistance and it takes four grown-ups to get him to even crack a smile. The funny part is that he does crack a sort-of smile but it really doesn't look like the genuine grins we see all day at home. So, it's all over and they take you out to look at the pictures and start to sell you on the "packages". Basically the $9.95 deal they get you in the door with is great but if you want any more pictures than one pose it all starts to add up. It actually cost less for us to buy three poses than we now have about ten thousand pictures of our child all in the same outfit on the same day. Place your orders here. I'm happy to share. I am really torn about the whole "prop" thing. I used to be totally against it but it was the only way to get him to cooperate at all. Plus, the old car thing kind of suits him...
The money hemorrhaging continues. Saturday our garage door broke. Two new springs and a set of rollers and $500 later we were all set. In the past twelve months we have had garage door problems fixed three times. We should be set now for a while. Mark also came home on Saturday with a flat tire. His wonderfully fabulous "performance" vehicle gets and "F" in my book. We have now replaced three tires earlier than needed because they have been damaged. Sometimes I think he would have been better off keeping the ever-so-sexy Camry.
Back to our regularly-scheduled Monday, already in progress...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I can't believe how quickly he's growing up. Crazy!

Bummer about the car -- I hate buying tires. SO expensive. And not fun to buy.