Tuesday, November 16, 2010

++Ten on Tuesday++

I have all these random thoughts bouncing around in my head.  I thought I would share them with someone.  You can pretend that you care.

1.  We are hosting the boy's book club here on Thursday.  We're having a Dino Dig and reading Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow.  I'm making homemade dirt play dough (you add coffee grounds) and we're hiding little dinosaurs in it for the boys to dig for.  Wyatt is excited.  He informed me that he wants to sit by me when I read the story so everyone knows it's his time.

2. Yesterday I cleaned out my freezer.  I have three words: Shame on me.  I think I need to be reminded that there are people in other countries (and our own for that matter) who would have loved to have had all that food I wasted.  I am vowing to be better.  The good news is that now the freezer light is actually able to do it's job.

3. I'm finally emerging from feeling totally and completely overwhelmed by all the optional obligations I opted for.  Between Wyatt's school, Mom's Club, MOPs and now getting involved in preschool ministry at our church I think I overdid it.  I was just tired of feeling new and like I didn't know anyone.  I've now made lots and lots of friends.  Just still waiting for those call anytime for any reason best friends.  I think those just take time.

4. Mark took the kids to the zoo on Saturday and I cleaned out three trash bags of toys.  We donated them to this wonderful local organization that I volunteered at last month (see #3).  This morning Wyatt was playing with his flashlight and found a piece that belonged to one of the toys I donated and was determined to find it to put it away.  Oops. 

5. I finally caved and bought some skinny jeans.  I don't really have a skinny jeans figure but I was tired of being the only person anywhere I went that wasn't wearing my boots on the outside of my jeans.  Fashion has that crazy effect on us, doesn't it?

6. I was somehow cajoled (see #3) into taking family photos of my friend's family for a fundraiser for MOPs.  I learned a lot (mostly I learned how much more I have to learn).  And, of course, it was blue sky sunny that day.  One of the ten days of the year we get like that.  Here are a couple of my favorites.

7. We had our own family photos done the day before Wyatt's birthday.  The kids were less than cooperative.  The results were ok.  She did the best she could with a girl who was scared of her and a boy who wouldn't keep his tongue in his mouth.  She even offered to do a re-shoot of Wyatt.  I declined.  I made him come out with me one Sunday after church so we could try again to get something grandparentable.  Wanna see what I get to deal with?

8. We are still dealing with bears in our neighborhood.  We have an all neighborhood email list and people like to send out bear spotting emails.  The chain went around yesterday again.  "Three bears in our driveway digging in our trash, they just stared at us when we opened the garage door" my NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR replied "They were at our house an hour later.  Got up on the car to get a better angle at the compost bin."  Needless to say I have been running on the treadmill and reviewing my bear encounter safety tips (make yourself look big, walk backwards slowly, make a lot of noise, etc.)  Those raccoons aren't looking so bad after all.

9. Wyatt had his preschool conferences yesterday.  They even sent home little report cards.  I'm happy to announce that he passed with flying colors.  He knows his letters (capital and small), colors, shapes and how to write his name.  Ironically, he knew all but the writing his name part before he started preschool last year.  A little review never hurts.  More importantly (to us anyway) it appears that his behavior is good at school and he is well liked by his peers.  He did get a "Needs Improvement" on "Wears costumes when necessary".  Just kidding.

10. I'm having a super-fun time planning a baby shower with my friend Tiffany for our friend Sara.  Remember them from this weekend?  We're having High Tea at the Hotel Ivy.  If that isn't fun enough it's going to be with all my girls from Minnesota.  Can't wait to see them!  I'm sure I'll take a photo (or two) of the event.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Kate, my dear, I love reading your musings and the goings on of the Pacyna household. Considering I read it regularly (i.e. stalk you) and never comment...

Thanks for the photos and stories. You all are a reliable source for a great smile. Hopefully if those bears do make an appearance near your house it will be while you're visiting. Can't wait!