Wednesday, November 24, 2010

++Twenty and Twenty-One++

In last month's blogging hiatus, I missed Claire's twenty month recap.  Gasp.  I will also confess that her baby book, lovingly purchased before she was born, remains unopened.  Okay, confessions aside.  Let's get on with a little update on our favorite little sweetie.

I feel like I say this every time but with each passing month her personality shines through more and more.  Claire is silly and sassy and all girl.  I love it when she leans up against something and crosses one leg over the other.  Such a grown up pose for such a little one. 

She loves to adorn herself with all sorts of things.  "Neeeccckkkklace" "bray-let" "glasshas".  She eats up all the attention she gets as a result.  But keeps a straight face all the while.

The baby obsession continues.  Everything is about babies.  She moves them around, lays them on things, reads to them.  So cute.  I picked her up at the gym day care the other day and they told me she was going to make a great mommy some day. 

For some reason out of nowhere Claire's hair started growing with reckless abandon.  No complaints (it's about time) but it's actually quite unruly.  I want so bad to get it cut again but after being ridiculed for getting her ten strands cut last time, I'm trying to hold out a little longer.  We opt for barettes or bows.  Claire calls them all bows.  She doesn't seem to mind them but she likes to take them out and bring them to me so I can put them back in.  Over and over again.  Fun!

Her talking has also taken off.  She will do her best to repeat any word you ask her to.  Most of the time she is pretty close.  She parrots everything her brother says.  Lucky for us, last week it was "stupid babies".  Over and over and over again.  She is doing a great job with stringing words together too.  "Daddy read stories",  "No watch Dora", "I see truck".  It's so fun to learn more and more about what is going on in that little head. 

She still LOVES her music class.  We hear her on the monitor in her room singing "clap hello, hello".  She does a pretty good job with words to lots of songs.  We play kids music when we are in the car and both the kids seem to love it and absorb so much of it.  I was even rocking out to the Veggie Tales CD we had home from the library a few weeks ago.  I'm also a closet Raffi fan.

She is still obsessed with Cora.  We talked about Cora, and Soozoo, Bett and Lahson (and their kitty) all the time.  At bedtime we have to go through the list that all of them, and Nana and Bompa and Grandma and Grampa and Busha are sleeping too.  I think in about six months these girls are really going to have fun together!

I'm also kind of glad to report that she may be showing signs of being slightly more into Mommy than Daddy.  With Wyatt there is no doubt who is favorite is (to the point where we have behavior issues when Dad travels), but it seems the little one doesn't think I'm so bad after all.  She still smiles like no other when she hears the garage door go up when Daddy gets home. 

She's a pretty fun little peanut.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You are a great photographer! (Granted, it helps when you have two beautiful subjects to work with!)