Saturday, September 26, 2009


The little guy turns three today. Getting to be such a big boy. So fast. I am on the perpetual quest of a nice photo of him sitting still. He doesn't sit still though, unless there is TV involved. I will keep at it. I may need to call in professionals.

Three is supposed to mean we are done with the terrible twos. I will see. With all the energy and vigor and zest for life comes some attitude at times. He makes us smile. He makes us laugh. He wears us out!

At three Wyatt loves: his Daddy best, closely followed by his lovey; playing outside; helping Daddy with household chores like mowing the lawn and taking out the trash; running...anywhere and everywhere; trucks, trains, firetrucks, diggers and obscure trucks like street sweepers and "vacuum vick" (if you have mighty machines, you know what I'm talking about); eating fruit, pizza, french fries and chips--how's that for a balanced diet? He eats more than this, those are just his favorites; Finding things that aren't toys and playing with them all day--this could explain strange sightings in our house like the breast pump tubing in the shower or a roll of shelf liner running across our foyer floor; asking questions...not just why but also how; cutting paper--usually into fifty million pieces; going places--most mornings he asks me "where are we going to go today?"; preschool--he can't get in the car fast enough on Tuesday and Thursday mornings; making Claire laugh (see below).
Wyatt is not so fond of: trying new foods; being told not to do something by a stranger; being told it is naptime or bedtime by his parents; talking to people he doesn't know; sitting still; using an inside voice; brown shirts (at least this is what he told me yesterday); sharing his toys with his sister; helping to clean up his toys (but he's getting better!); playing independently; sitting still and being photographed (ha ha).
Every day he amazes us with the things he remembers or the concepts he puts together. Everywhere we go in the car he talks to me (THE ENTIRE TIME) and asks questions about what he sees. What's in that truck? Where is it going? How does the driver get into the truck? How does that plumber get into the pipes to fix them? What is that man doing? Where does he live? and on and on and on. He sure keeps on us our toes!
It is so fun to watch him grow up and see the world through his innocent eyes. I laughed the other day watching him play "tag" with some older boys at the playground. One of the boys got Wyatt and grabbed his hands. To which Wyatt responded: "let's dance!"
Yes little guy, let's dance.

1 comment:

Allison M said...

Cute! Happy Birthday! And - "terrible twos" has nothing on the "3's" Good luck!

p.s. I love the moving sticker on the sofa in the last picture. I am still finding those darn things!