Saturday, September 5, 2009

++Fun with Grandma and Grandpa++

The arrival of Grandma and Grandpa meant Mark and I had a chance to try to get the house in some sort of livable order. For Wyatt and Claire, it meant lots of fun and attention.
Claire and her Grandpa are quite fond of one another. She even found that he has a little chair just right for her!

Grandma and Claire enjoyed each other too. Grandma quickly learned what we already know: that holding Claire is somewhat similar to holding a hamster with all that squirming and trying to get away.

The troops did take a break from the unpacking and head to Boeing family day courtesy of Uncle Brett. Cameras weren't allowed (and the resident photographer stayed home with the baby) but from what I hear there was a lot of fun at the airplane factory. Uncle Brett even treated the boys to airport play sets.
I think Grandpa probably took a few extra naps once he got home to recover from his trip. Did we mention we didn't have TV or Internet the whole time they were here?
We tried hard to get them a nice picture of the kiddos. The little one was getting her teeth and the big one was being his generally uncooperative self. As hard as I try to master the camera operating part of photography, cracking the kid cooperation code is the true challenge!

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