Monday, September 28, 2009

++The [not so] Big Bash++

The celebration began at pre-school on Thursday. At Wyatt's school we are asked to rotate bringing a healthy snack except for on birthdays. That day all rules are off. We made cupcakes that look like puppies. The cake was from a box but the frosting was homemade...there is nothing like homemade buttercream (as Wyatt was happy to demonstrate).

The idea seemed simple enough but all I have to say is I'm glad I bought a big bag of pretzels as my discard bowl was mighty full trying to get that part for the snout just right. The tongue? The snipped off front of a swedish fish.

We celebrated at home with a mini-party on Sunday. Mark was out of town on Saturday so we made Sunday the official Birthday Day.

He woke up that morning to find the birthday banner hanging. If you recall last year he was really into this banner and we ended up leaving it up until Christmas. Not sure we'll do the same this year. He got to open one gift before breakfast.

Claire liked the ribbon.

But Wyatt preferred what was inside.
We then celebrated modern-style with Grandma, Grandpa and Busha. If you look closely you'll see their shining faces on the computer screen.
Finally the chaos, I mean party, really began with the arrival of the cousins. Wyatt and Larson seem to woop it up whenever they are together. The addition of cake sure doesn't hurt!

Happy 3 Little Guy! May all your wishes come true.

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