Tuesday, September 15, 2009

++Ten on Tuesday++

1. We scored our new TV today. A flat screen above the fireplace. Kinda cool. I'm just glad that it's back out of the reach of the kiddos. Now what to do with the old one...
2. I forgot to mention in my post about Claire that she had two teeth. And since that time she popped out another, so now she's at three. I think the fourth is on it's way soon. I'm not sure Wyatt had four teeth on his first birthday.
3. I'm so missing a health club. Sadly, we mainly haven't joined because we haven't had time to go and join. I think this weekend it will be on our agenda.
4. Some of the grocery stores here have childcare centers where you can stash your kids while you shop. That one is new to me. Perhaps that is why everything seems to cost a dollar more than in Memphis. I haven't tried it yet but I just might have to. Now that Claire can sit up in the cart, Wyatt doesn't do so well. He suddenly HAS to sit in the front of the cart.
5. On the flip side, we got our first gas and electric bill and it's about a quarter of what it would have been in Memphis at this time of year. No AC has it's perks!
6. I'm starting to hit that low point that I think I hit with every move. You just reach a point where you are tired of not being settled, tired of not having friends and tired of not quite feeling like you belong. I just keep telling myself it will pass.
7. Someone is having a birthday at the end of next week. It wasn't easy but I made the call to just do a little gathering with the family (we can do that now since we can invite Susan's clan over). I just don't do things the easy way...you all know that, and I just don't have time to do it right. Plus, he honestly doesn't have anyone to invite. We have a couple of neighbor kids that we may invite over to share cake but I just wouldn't feel right having them bring a gift. Watch out, we're going all out for his fourth birthday to erase my guilt.
8. I'm working hard to persuade Wyatt to be a robot for Halloween this year. I'm going to try to make his costume. Hopefully if we work together I'll have better luck getting him to wear it than we did last year.
9. I haven't mentioned anything about it in a while but my dad is doing fine. He's not one to be happy just sitting around so I think he gets frustrated that he isn't back to 100% yet. He's getting there. We're looking forward to his visit out here in December.
10. No photos with this post. Believe it or not, I have taken way too many pictures recently and it has basically hogged all the memory on my computer so it takes forever to edit anything. I'm working on talking Mark into a new computer...it's not like we have anything else we need to buy these days...right?

1 comment:

Shawn Dusosky said...

Emily was a Robot for Halloween last year. She made her costume out of a box, and we wrapped foil around her bike helmet.