Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This will be quick. No photos...just an update. Maybe just an excuse to sit down for a bit. We have been working our butts off for the past ten days.
++The window washer arrives tomorrow morning and the cleaning crew tomorrow night. We have our first showing on Friday. The house officially goes on the market on Saturday.
++Our tickets have been purchased. We leave town on Monday. It happens to be another special day on Monday. Someone you may know is turning 32. Doesn't that sound old?
++One of the best things about moving as often as we have is that every two or so years (yikes that sounds painful) you kind of give your life a nice little exfoliation---you get rid of all the junk and start all over again. Our biggest reality check has been as we pack up boxes for the interim. You start to think to yourself: "if I don't need this for the next two months...why do I ever need this?" And that is why I took five huge garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill today.
++We have worked with a stager for both our moves now. I love it. I try not to let all their changes hurt my feelings (you do start to wonder what they are really thinking about your house before they move things around.) I'll try to take some photos and do a little before and after once I'm in Seattle and bored in my little two bedroom condo (this to-do list is growing daily).
++Based on my love of stagers, I have decided to hire someone once we actually buy a house to come in and tell me how to set everything up. I think I have fairly good taste (if I do say so myself), I just suck at pulling it all together.
++Wyatt may have design in his future as well. As I am working with the stager and she is testing some things out in different places, Wyatt starts moving his toys around and asking me how they look in their new places. "How's this look Mom? Do you like this here?"
++Wyatt is starting to show some signs of not loving what is happening to his house. We took his McDonalds out of the playroom to put it away (I was told to only keep the cute wooden toys out---you know, the ones you always thought you'd only have before you actually have kids). Before we know it, he's dragging it back into the playroom to set it all up again. It can't be easy because this kid likes routine (like mother, like son) and every time he wakes up from a nap another room in his house looks totally different. I honestly think it will be better to just get him to Seattle.
++Claire is great. Smiley. Happy. Cute. Has no clue that her life is about to change. But actually since her life revolves around sleeping and eating and playing on a blanket on the probably won't change all that much.
++Finally (so much for this being short), I found out this week that my dad is going to have heart bypass surgery on Friday (or maybe Monday). I actually am glad that I am so busy so I don't worry about him too much. I know he wouldn't want that. I am praying for him though...and I'd love it if you'd do the same!


Unknown said...

I cant believe your moving so soon !
I will certainly say a prayer for your dad, hope everything goes well for him.
Good luck with the move, hope to see you before you go !

Shawn Dusosky said...

Whoa!! You are a busy bee. Good thing you are so excellent at organizing and planning. What an adventure this is going to be. Good luck with the move! -Kelly