Tuesday, June 16, 2009

++Ten on Tuesday++

This is admittedly a stolen idea that I have seen on other blogs. A good one though. An easy way to wrap up a lot of little thoughts into one nice package. Especially since I am behind due to the vacation our computer went on. Thank goodness he is back. He works again.

1. Mark was out of town for basically all of last week. I don't mention this stuff in blog-land just because I am slightly paranoid. Now that he's home, I can whine about it. MTW was a "team building" trip in Oregon which included a hike, some golf and other stuff that sounded like fun. FSaSu was MN for Matt's bachelor party. He had a rough week for sure.
2. My M-I-L found a last-minute flight deal so she was able to come down for a quick visit with the kiddos (and a little bit of help for me). There is never a lack of playtime and attention when Grandma is in the house.
3. Just to make sure her trip was extra exciting we had a storm blow through on Friday night and knock the power out. We were without lights (and AC!) for about twelve hours. Wyatt thought reading bedtime stories by flashlight was pretty fun though.
4. It is HOT here. I know I complained about this last summer too. I just can't explain it in a way that the northerners can understand but it's just hot. Poor Claire. I just don't like to hold babies much when it's so hot. Good thing we have access to a couple of pools...and our little one is quite the fish!
5. Claire got her first dose of formula last night. Two ounces in a bottle of breast milk. Why do I feel so guilty? It's basically because we have some travel and other stuff going on this summer where I'm not sure I will be able to bring my stored milk with me. I want to be sure that she will at least eat formula if we end up needing it.
6. Wyatt likes all these shows that are on Nickelodeon. I don't mind the shows but I hate that they have ads (did this exit the mouth of a former ad girl?) Last week Wyatt saw the Orange Glo ad and that obnoxious guy even persuaded him...he insisted in washing the floor.
7. Claire smiles with her whole mouth as wide open as it goes. So cute. What's even cuter is Wyatt trying to imitate this. When we do something to make her smile he says "me too" and responds by opening his mouth up.
8. Wyatt has a pretty good grasp on language these days. Yesterday he informed me that something "disappeared." Today he told me something was "just awful." He does have a few words that he mispronounces and it just makes me smile. My favorites are "barbage" as in "barbage truck" and "buppon" as in "belly buppon."
9. Claire hasn't decided if she is going to be a pacifier baby or not yet. I really don't care either way, I just wish she would pick her method of self-soothing so we can get on with it. By two months Wyatt was a thumb sucker and that was it (check back with me to see how I feel about this when I'm trying to break this habit).
10. We've been trying to go to the health club three days a week. I have about ten more pounds to lose and I'm determined. This isn't easy. Between naps and meals and general child wrangling, it's about all we do those days.

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