Monday, June 1, 2009

++School's out for summer++

I am sure I date myself with that headline. It's sad that I am at an age where it is possible to date myself. So sad.
What's also sad is that Wyatt is done with school until July. So, for four whole weeks I am left with no days to run errands on my own. Claire doesn't count as she sleeps all the time. I am interested to see what this does to our credit card bill.
Here he is on his last day:
My, how he has grown up since his first day in August:
Here he is with his teachers. Christa (the one in pink) was his FAVORITE. No one knew this until the day she was gone and he fell to the floor crying and refused to go into the classroom. God bless cheap "Mother's Day Out" programs. They could perhaps be the best thing I have discovered in the great state of Tennessee.

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