Monday, February 16, 2009

++Valentine Fun++

We have a tradition of keeping things pretty low-key on Valentine's Day around here. Mark and I have done Pizza and beer for probably eight years now (minus the two Valentine's Days where I was beer here). Mark took low-key to a whole new level this year...but that's ok. I am still celebrating the arrival of my new camera (note to Mark, you will no longer be able to have my camera count as a mother's day gift as well...but all holidays until then are fair game).
With that said, I am still learning a lot about the camera as well, and hoping this baby will hold out and let me get to my class on Tuesday.
So what did we do on Valentine's Day? We went to the circus of course!
Wyatt and Sydney at the Circus. Doesn't it look like they are nervous on a first date? Good thing Dad was there to chaperone.

Wyatt experiencing his first-ever bite of funnel cake. This was followed shortly by cotton candy. No wonder he couldn't sit still.

For Valentine's Day Wyatt got a new set of firetruck sheets for his bed (a sneaky trick which involves re-purposing something that he needs anyway and would have gotten anyway into a gift if a holiday is around. I think I learned this one from my mom).

The sheets doubled as wrapping paper for a M&M filled heart and Lightning McQueen.'s my first show-and-tell. I took some photos with my new zoom lens. This photo was taken from pretty far away---and not cropped at all. This was mixed in with about 50 of the bottom of his feet and 20 blurred images. Taking pictures of kids on swings is not easy! It was fun to play though!


Carolyn said...

Susan told me she gets annoyed that I don't leave comments when I look at the blogs. I thought the same thing about the Sydney/Wyatt photo before I read your commentary. Let's hope you get to your photo class tonight. Are you meeting Mark for dinner at Chick Fil-A again?

Kate Pacyna said...

All signs point to photo class being a go. Wyatt is going to Olly's until Mark can get home. His boss is here from CA and they are meeting and discussing important stuff.

The Buchholz's said...

The date comment is hilarious! I read the text before I looked at the photos, so don't know if I would have come to that conclusion on my own, but it really fits! I don't get annoyed at mom, I just told her that I like to know that people read what I write :)