Thursday, February 19, 2009


I kind of felt like my mom just then. For some reason she likes to type the word "nothing" in the subject line of her emails...I think it's funny. There must be SOMETHING that she is writing about (and there always is) I don't think she would do too well in advertising though.

Not too much to report. Way too many false alarms for my tolerance level. This will officially be the baby who cried wolf. I'm interested to hear what the doctor has to say tomorrow.

Not sure if I mentioned this here before or not but within 3 weeks of my due date there are five babies that we are expecting. What are the chances? Four of them are from my former (do I really have to call it former?) knitting group. I was supposed to be first. I knew that wouldn't happen though. I just don't want to be last. The first baby was born yesterday--a little girl named Charlotte--can't wait to see photos of her (but selfishly just want to TAKE photos of my baby).

Finally, it was 70+ degrees here yesterday. Weird. Perhaps that's what caused all those crazy contractions. This morning it was 30. We enjoyed it while it lasted though. Wyatt and his dad washed cars.

Back to the waiting game...


Rendons said...

Hang in there Kate. Good things come to those who wait, right?

Melissa said...

HA! I think that's hilarious that C writes "nothing" in the subject. She is so matter-of-fact.