Saturday, February 7, 2009

++25 Things++

So this little "game" has been going on around Facebook where you are asked to think of 25 random things about yourself. I decided it might be fun to share 25 things about our little friend Wyatt.

1. He doesn't go anywhere without his trusted Lovey. He discovered long ago that more than one existed and now we have "Lovey one" and "Two Lovey". There are actually three until we misplaced one last weekend. I am sure we will find it somewhere in this house someday. He knows better than to ask to bring more than one into a public place so the second one waits at home or in the car.
2. He would eat as much fruit as I am willing to feed him. He even tried, and liked, grapefruit last week.
3. His favorite Sesame Street character is Bert. Too bad the new episodes don't feature Bert and Ernie much...I'm considering buying the retro DVDs.
4. He is very particular about his clothing with no specific rhyme or reason as to why. I'm thinking it has something to do with being two.
5. He frequently puts himself in time out and then decides when he is ready to be done. We decided we may have to find another punishment method in which WE are in charge.
6. He has befriended the lady at the Deli at Kroger because she talks to him and gives him free turkey. Last week when someone else attempted to help us he kept saying "I need my friend."
7. His alter-ego is "baby puma" (we think based on a character in Diego). Whenever he wants to snuggle or just be held, he tells us he is "baby puma".
8. He knows all the letters in the alphabet by sight and for most can give you a word that starts with that letter. He can also sing the song all the way through.
9. He can count to twenty but sometimes gets stuck in the teens and just repeats one over and over again.
10. He has a pretty mean jump shot from about 3 feet on his Little Tikes basketball hoop. If he misses he says "miss" or "almost" and if he makes it, "awesome!"
11. He has a baby sister in his belly too.
12. He found a metal cup that he got for his baptism and insists on drinking "coffee" out of it in the morning.
13. He goes to school twice a week and his class has eight girls and Wyatt. Lucky him.
14. He really likes shopping. When we go to the mall he keeps asking for one more store. I think he just likes to see new things.
15. Every day our car morphs into another type of vehicle depending on what he has been doing. It's often a firetruck or a taxi but it has also been known to be a garbage truck, gas truck or money truck (I wish...)
16. Every morning he directs Mark through his getting ready routine. Most days he tells him "no work, stay home" just enough times to make him feel really guilty.
17. He is really good at puzzles but sometimes the two-year-old in him causes him to lose focus halfway through making Mom and Dad really good at puzzles as well.
18. He is very particular about his toys. In his Little People bus the bus driver must always be driving, the pilot always flies the airplane, etc. This causes some problems when other kids come to play.
19. He still calls himself "ya ya" although if someone asks him his name he does tell them "Wyatt".
20. We have discovered that he can read some of his books verbatim to himself. The most surprising ones are the library books that we've only had for a week. Of course the books are always about trucks.
21. He loves to look at old pictures of himself (now that I finally have some albums filled---yea!). He looks at the pictures and then asks us "member that?"
22. He loves to be tickled. Mom is by far the best tickler.
23. He is a neat freak. Not when it comes to putting toys away, but he enjoys "washing" (which means wiping anything he can find with a wipe) and sweeping. Last week he discovered the Dustbuster and sucked up every crumb he could find on the floor until the battery died. No complaints here.
24. He can't go anywhere without getting comments about his blue eyes.
25. He has two parents who consider themselves pretty lucky to have such a happy and fun-loving kid who keeps them laughing all the time.

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