Saturday, February 21, 2009

++Last Hurrah++

All signs point to this being our last weekend as a family of three. I asked Mark last night what we should do. I'm a little torn between making sure we attempt to check as many things off our to-do list as possible and just hanging out. I tell all my friends who are expecting first babies to go out to eat and go to movies as much as possible. That doesn't really apply to us anymore. We're used to having no freedom. This morning Mark took Wyatt to the Children's Museum so I can have some time alone at home. nice. The problem is that once I finish this post I have about 15 tasks I want to accomplish before I go run a few errands.

It's amazing how much you forget in two-and-a-half years. I have been reading up in my breastfeeding book because honestly, I kind of forgot how it all works at the beginning. With Wyatt we went to all the classes so it was fresh. By the time he was done nursing it was second nature to both of us so I forgot about the positioning and all that stuff. Hopefully it will come back to me. I will say it is so different the second time around (and the baby isn't even here yet!) This time you know what to expect and that is both good and bad.

Hopefully it will be nice out this afternoon and I can play around with my new camera some more. It has been snugly packed in it's bag with a fully-charged battery ever since the last false alarm when I actually started packing. No photos for us=no photos for you!

I realized I sounded bitter in my last post. I'm not bitter. I'm just a planner. There is nothing more frustrating for me in life than not being able to anticipate what tomorrow will bring, especially when there are a lot of moving parts involved. Pregnancy sure gets the last laugh with people like me!

1 comment:

Melissa Ho said...

I hope everything goes smoothly for you. I can't wait to hear the news...and her name! I remember being so sad that another baby was going to come between Lauren and I but after Makenna was born, those feelings went away. You really aren't ruining Wyatt's life. He will adore his sister even if it's not right away. I'm so happy for you guys!