Thursday, February 5, 2009

++Loose ends++

As hard as I try to stay up-to-date time has been flying recently and my blog seems to lag behind. While I'm tempted to just forget about some events and fast-forward to present, I kind of use this blog as my personal journal/scrapbook and I don't want to forget some events. Here's some more of what we have been up to:

Wyatt helped me make a cake for Daddy's birthday. Well...maybe it was the clean-up that he helped most with.
I think he forgot it was his Dad's birthday. We brought our cake (which was actually raspberry cheesecake bars) over to dinner at Olly's house.
On Dad's actual birthday, we went to the dollar store to get some balloons. Wyatt also picked out this great gift for his dad. He was super excited to give it to him.
We had a "snow day" here last week. Here was the snow. Minnesotans, please contain your laughter. It was great though. Wyatt and I went to Costco and Target and the stores were EMPTY.
We're doing our best to get out and experience Memphis. Last weekend we went to the Pink Palace museum. It's basically a natural history museum. It was pretty fun. Wyatt loved all the taxidermy animals. At one point he ran ahead and around a curve was a huge dinosaur. All we hear is his little voice saying "WOAHHHHH!" They also had this miniature circus from the 30s that was all hand carved from wood--it had all sorts of moving parts and music. It captivated Wyatt for a good twenty minutes.

There. Now I'm up to speed. As I said, time has been flying. We're now at t-minus 3 weeks until due date. It could have been 2 weeks had I signed up for one of the elective inductions that seem to be handed out like candy down here. It is super tempting (no worrying about Wyatt's care, one less week of pregnancy, etc.) but I just decided because lots of doctors in lots of places won't do them and there has to be a reason. I'll sign up for an induction on my due date, but no sooner. I'm sure when the 20th comes and goes I will be swearing at myself for that choice. To be honest, we remember how much work a newborn is and we are kind of enjoying our last days without one. Wyatt has been doing great sleeping in his bed and my bouts of wide-awakeness in the middle of the night have passed so we are relishing our last nights of sleeping all night long.
Now if I could just get that nesting instinct to kick-in so I can get off my butt and tackle my list of projects that I want to complete before the baby comes. I did make Mark a nice honey-do list though...

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