Thursday, June 26, 2008

++Twenty-one...without the hangover++

I'm on time this month. So many posts about trips and visits and not much about the little guy. As he rapidly approaches two he is changing by the day. The vocabulary continues to grow and be refined (he now adds the "ssss" sound to the end of words like "rice" and bus") and eventually he will be able to be understood without his mom/translator.
He really likes to tell us about what we are looking at. The house across the street is getting a new roof (the excitement the day the flatbed truck was unloaded with a forklift is a whole other story) and today he was watching the workers and telling me that they were going up the ladder with their tools and that they have trucks that they drive. This story came complete with some hammering motions and driving maneuvers.
He's also into telling us all about what we see on the road. It has expanded from vehicles to bridges and "nunnels" (which are more like underpasses). He also points out fire hydrants and tells us that we can spray water from a hose. That's just in case we weren't paying attention to the firetruck books we read over and over and over again.
We are having a lot of fun these days playing with his buddies in the neighborhood. The age gap seems to close every day. His best buddies are Olly and Sydney. Yesterday they came over for play time and indulged in popsicles (I found these fabulous minis at the store).
He continues to love to play with his dad...all things truck-related...animals (lucky for us the next door neighbors just got a puppy!)...playing cream...going to the park (slides are big these days)...reading books (especially about trucks)...blueberries...laughing and letting us know it was "yah yah" after an audible bodily function...trains...scooting around on his bikes...and generally making us laugh all day... Some fun Wyatt moments from this month:
Here's Wyatt at his first baseball game (Memphis has the Cardinal's AAA "Redbirds" and they play downtown in a great stadium).
Watching the game from the lawn with Daddy.
Waving to the people from the trolley.

With his buddy Will at Little Gym.

Eating popsicles with Olly...let's just say it was a good thing he was wearing a blue shirt.

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