Wednesday, June 4, 2008

++Quick trip recap++

A little overdue and this isn't all of it. Here are a few highlights from our trip. For the most part we had a great time. Long plane trips with toddlers are a lot of work. Wyatt adapted well to being away from home...except for the eating part. Poor kid overdosed on chicken nuggets I think.

We actually had warm enough water to do some swimming at our resort (I use the term "resort" loosely here.) Check out what lovely thing Wyatt found at the pool and was captivated with. I just called it a squirter.
The basic goal of the entire trip was to find things to entertain the boys. We found the Children's Museum in Bellingham. Wyatt played short-order cook for the family.
We then went to the cutest little town called Fairhaven and had a fish-and-chips lunch served at this double-decker bus. Note to parents: trying to keep a child focused on eating his lunch while outside next to a huge bus is not easy! The food was quite tasty though!

Wyatt learned the fine art of tossing rocks into the ocean. This would have kept him occupied for hours. Good thing there was ample supply.

Birch Bay is very shallow and when the tide went out we were treated to a beach that went on forever! Here's Wyatt and Dad running out to see how far they can get.

Bompa was the muse of choice for the kids. He was better than Thomas or Elmo. Go figure.

When you travel with children you get to encounter all sorts of fabulous attractions that I would have never known existed in my pre-baby days. We found this amusement center with a Thomas train. The ride took about 15 minutes and wound back into the woods through all these scenes of houses and stuffed animals. It was a huge hit for the boys. Larson said next time he wanted to ride Percy though.

After the Buchholz family went back to Seattle we killed a little time with Nana and Bompa. We found this park with a waterfall. Wyatt decided to sit down to get a better look at things.

So there is just a few highlights from the trip. I'm planning another post with the best of the boys. They had a blast together.

I'm into week two without school. It also coincides with the arrival of the heat. I am of nordic descent. I am not designed to deal with this heat. We basically engage in one water activity each day. Mark gives me a hard time because I am more tan than he has ever seen me. It's not on purpose but a couple of hours of hot sun every day does the trick! I've heard it cools down again in September. Ugh.

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