Thursday, June 12, 2008

++No Vacancy++

The Pacyna hotel will be full again this weekend. Uncle Matt and "Aunt" Taylor are coming to visit today. We're so excited to show them all the sights of the town and to have them get to see all the changes in the little guy. We're also excited to hear all the details of their wedding plans (ok, I am...not so sure about Mark).
Speaking of the little guy. He's now speaking in sentences. Ironically, most of these sentences begin with "I want..." The favorite seems to be "I want ice cream." He repeatedly informed his grandpa of this on the webcam last weekend. I think when we go to visit in July we are going to have to set a once-a-day ground rule. My other favorite is a direct echo of something I realized I say all the time: "here we go-oo". Now that he seems to be really catching on talking we're making even that much more of a concerted effort to ensure he speaks northern. Not sure if it helps or hurts that his two buddies down here have parents that hail from England and Long Island.
A photo recap of the weekend's events to follow (as well as the Wyatt and Larson recap.) Seriously, the heat cuts down on my computer time as I can't stand to have the hot laptop on my lap for too long. I really should just take it to a desk. That would be far too easy...

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