Tuesday, June 3, 2008

++20 Months (and a few days...)++

We're quickly approaching the days when age is no longer counted in months but instead years. Somehow saying "twenty months" to people seems a little silly. I guess I will soon answer "almost two" when people ask how old he is...which seems like daily. I guess it's the question people ask when they don't know what else to say. Either that or they are comparing my child to theirs in their head and want a benchmark--ha!
Here's what he's up to these days:
--DADDY is the parent of choice. I'm totally ok with this. Especially when it is what is demanded on airplanes. It's only tough when he starts asking for Daddy at 8am and I know Mark isn't coming home until after bedtime tomorrow night!
--We play in the water table daily. This was the best toy purchase we have made. He played with it all last summer too. It does require a change of clothes afterward, but I don't mind. He has plenty.
--He's getting more and more into his friends. He knows the houses that his friends in our neighborhood live in and says their names and waves when we drive by. He also likes to play with Alex the almost 3-year-old neighbor. I think Alex just likes Wyatt's toys...
--He is a hit-and-miss eater which seems typical for kids his age. He feeds himself everything, including cereal with milk. When he gets close to the end he hands one of us the spoon to finish the job.
--He loves going to the library for books. Yesterday we took his favorite friend "Manma" (panda) with us to the library and he was really cute about showing panda the sights of the library (pretty much the fish tank).
--Firetrucks are the truck of choice. He knows when we are approaching the fire station and starts saying "tiretraaaahhhh" and then we have to look to see if the fire trucks are out.
--He answers most questions with "yeah" which is so cute but has led me to examine my speech and realize how often I say that. We're trying for "yes please" but are just glad that the answer isn't "no."
--He's getting the colors down and will unprompted tell me that something is "bloooo" "wewwow" "reh" and "purple"
--For the most part he is a funny, happy, agreeable and cooperative kid. As I say every time...we're lucky!
A quick note about the photo above. This was Wyatt helping me unpack. He doesn't usually go around without pants on but he had just awakened from his nap. We call these times "no-pants parties" this probably won't be so humorous when he is a teenager.

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