Thursday, May 29, 2008

++Home Again++

We're back in action. I totally feel like I have a trip hangover though. Yesterday was a long day. About 12 hours of traveling capped off by a misplaced suitcase at the airport. I guess they forgot to deliver the last cart of luggage and about ten of us were lucky enough to get to wait around for an hour while they searched the airport for it. Lovely.
Wyatt was as good as could be expected considering the circumstances. We had a fun trip and lucked out with great weather. Not tropical but pretty much no rain...almost unheard of for the Pacific Northwest. I took way too many photos of the boys. Once I finish my four loads of laundry and putting away everything else, I'll get to posting some.
I will have to say. This is the second time I have left Memphis since we moved here and both times it was kind of depressing to get on a plane to go home. While waiting to board in Seattle they were calling for boarding to other cities: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago. It's funny because both Mark and I independently thought to ourselves "I wish I was going there." That aside, walking in the door of our house felt pretty good. At least it finally feels like "home."

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