Thursday, September 30, 2010

++A note to my son++

Dear Wyatt,

Where does the time go? I can't believe you are four already.  I'm not sure what I thought my four-year-old boy would be like, but I never imagined he would be as special as you. 
In some ways you are such a big kid.  You use big words.  You speak so clearly in perfectly formed sentences (you even use good grammar...such a proud mom!).  You have so much energy.  You can jump and climb and run like a big boy.  You love to help your dad with all the yard work and could stay out there with him for hours.  You ask big questions and think about things in such depth.  "How does the water in the pipes underground get up to our faucets?"  "Do you think that guy with the yellow car painted it black first and then yellow since yellow doesn't show up so well on white?"
You are growing more independent.  You can dress yourself (and are VERY opinionated in what you are wearing).  You can handle all things bathroom by yourself (finally!).  You do so well sleeping in your bed--in underwear!
At the same time, you are so innocent.  You see the good in everyone and everything.  You are still timid about new things.  You still suck your thumb with your lovey (in the privacy of our home) and CRY like no other when you get hurt.  You aren't too cool or too proud for anything.  You find stuffed animals that you haven't seen for awhile and adopt "puppy" or "giraffe-y" as your new best friend of the week. 
You are a really happy kid and do a great job making friends wherever we go.  It's fun to hear you play with your friends.  You are full of ideas and love to engage others.  You are also really good at praising other kids.  I love to hear that.
You like to do things your own way rather than follow a pattern or directions (this one is a little tough for mom to roll with).  You aren't really into toys, especially if they aren't open-ended toys.  You love to re-purpose household items into the toy of the day (yard stick, caulk gun, garden hoses, vacuum tube, squeegee, swiffer broom, spray name a few).
You love books and reading stories. We didn't realize how good you were with this until your sister came along and, well, she isn't quite as strong in this area.  You love to go to the library and pick out new books.  Your favorites are funny books.  Pigeon books by Mo Willems, or Froggy books.  You also like to get Cat in the hat books.
You remember everything (like mother like son!)  I'm amazed at how you can still recite specific details about our life in Memphis. You sing songs verbatim and remember every book we've read.  You will find something random and then recite specifics about what it is/how we got it/etc.  It's getting harder and harder to get anything past you (uh...not that we'd ever want to...)
You are such a good big brother to your sister.  She is so lucky to have you looking out for her.  You love to run into her room in the morning if you are up first.  She always lights up when she sees you.  I love how you talk to her in the cutest little high pitched voice.  "Cwaire, want to play chase with me?"  "Look Cwaire!  Kitties!"
You still (and hopefully always will) think your dad is the bees knees.  You would spend all day every day with him if you could.  I don't mind.  He's a pretty good guy to idolize!  And by the way, I asked him and the feeling is mutual. 
I love you so much little guy.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!

Love, Mom

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