Tuesday, September 28, 2010

++More Four++

When you are four it's ok to celebrate your day from sun up to sun down.  Actually, at any age you should celebrate your birthday all day.  So celebrate we did.

He started at breakfast opening his present from his sister.  For the record it was Crazy Forts.  Can you believe she knew him well enough to pick something that would be played with by both of them daily?
For his party we had the Tumblebus come.  They should win a prize for backing it down our driveway.  It was super fun.  The kids loved it.  And all the screaming and energy was not in our house. 

The happy birthday boy.

Even little sister tested out some of the equipment.  She hasn't stopped asking "Bus Go?" since it left.

The zipline was the biggest hit.  Likely because they were to all yell "splat" when they hit the wall.

The crew.

So does this mean he has two girlfriends?  I can't remember how that went...

Family of four.  Celebrating our four-year-old.

There were lots of presents to open.  He asked for a "two wheel scooter" for months before his birthday.  We couldn't disappoint.  I think he learned quickly that they aren't quite as easy as they look. 

Happy Day little guy!  I hope you enjoyed your football-on-a-bus-party!  

1 comment:

taylor said...

I see you did not wear Packer gear, good choice Kate :)