Wednesday, December 16, 2009

++You better watch out...++ better not cry...

Clearly my kids didn't get that memo this year. We have Santa pictures taken at the same place every year for each year of my childhood. It was always so fun to get them out and look at them. I started this tradition with Wyatt and his buddies and then we proceeded to start moving all over the place so that fell apart. I still intended to get the pictures somewhere. So while my parents were here we took them to the mall. This is the closest Wyatt would even get to Santa (and don't get me started to what it took to get him in an outfit for the photo. I went with the Christmas tee which I guess is less painful for him than a sweater.)

This was Claire's response to Santa (it was actually a few days later with a Santa where cameras were allowed...I just couldn't spend $20 at the mall on a picture of only one of my children--who is screaming her head off.)
Funny...I thought all this stuff was supposed to be fun? Maybe next year.

1 comment:

The Cogan's said...

Thats one young looking santa or is it Mark dress up ??