Sunday, December 27, 2009

++Christmas Wisconsin style++

The crazy crew made it unscathed (for the most part) through their travels across the country to Christmas round two. Wyatt was fabulous on the plane. With Claire it was a lot like holding a hamster. We spent almost a week with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Matt, Aunt Taylor and Busha.
Matt got Taylor "Rock Band" for Wii and we had lots of fun trying it out. Wyatt liked to join in on the fun too. Hint to parents: if you want your child to sing their entire Christmas program from school for you, make them think they are a rock star.
Uncle Matt taught Wyatt the Pacyna family tradition of sword-fighting with the wrapping paper rolls (a.k.a. tooterloos).
Hands-down my favorite photo of Christmas this year. Not posed. Wyatt and Claire checking out their loot from Santa.
Here's Claire sampling the cookies that Santa left on the plate.
The family Christmas photo. This is the best you're gonna get.
Here's the happy smiley kid that we see every day but disappears when the camera comes out. The secret? Being attacked by his alligator puppet. This was a request to Santa (????).
Claire testing out her new piano from Grandma and Grandpa. She loves this thing.
The other attendees at Christmas: Matt, Busha (at 101!) and Taylor.
Merry Christmas! Again!

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