Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I'm writing this more for me than for you. We all have those days. And when I have those days I try to remind myself to be thankful for what I have. Maybe if I write this down, I can read it and remember. Hopefully it will help you to remember too!
++When Wyatt is running all crazy through the house...I am thankful that he has the energy and vigor to run.
++When both my children want me at the same time and I seem to be pulled in two directions...I am thankful that I have my two children and I am here for them to be pulled on.
++When my house is in shambles and I can't seem to keep it clean...I am thankful that I have a nice home that when clean is quite beautiful.
++When Mark's job causes him to be gone when it always seems like I need him most...I am so thankful he has a good job with a good company that he really enjoys.
++When I feel sad because I miss my friends from former cities...I am thankful that I made those friendships in the first place.
++When I feel like all I do is change poopie diapers all day long...well, being thankful for poop may be a stretch...

Wow, I should do that more often.
And quickly, a recap of our Thanksgiving. We celebrated with (surprise!) the cousins. Here are the two turkeys (and I'm not talking about the cookies), who were in rare form that day and played "garbage truck" emptying almost every toy we own into the empty toy box. They've graced both Susan and my house with this game. It has been officially outlawed.
The obligatory table shot. The meal was super yummy. I made a bacon-wrapped turkey. The littlest girls out-ate the little boys. We used the china and silver. Hopefully next year we will have a dining room table so we can actually use the room for it's intended purpose.
And here is a lovely portrait of Brett. (note to self--make sure to double-check your camera settings before handing it off to someone else for a photo).
Happy Thanksgiving!

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