Monday, December 21, 2009

++Christmas round one++

Like every year, we celebrated Christmas twice this year. After our Santa train ride we pretended it was Christmas with my family.

Claire opened her first gift. As she was opening it I commented that I wonder what she would do because she had never opened a gift before. It was perfect--my sister gave her another lovey (a hint hint that we need to be washing the stink out of them more often) and Claire just giggled and beamed when she saw what was in the box.
Most of the time it was chaos of kids and presents.
The boys got umbrellas from Nana and Bompa.
Wyatt ended the night with his big surprise gift. A box told him to go outside and he was delighted to find...
A new sandbox! He hasn't let it die that we left the old one in TN. We opted for the "table" this time due to all the friends around here that would no doubt love to dig in a sandbox at night. It's great because we have it up on the deck in a spot that's covered so he can play rain or shine (but mostly rain these days).
Merry Christmas!

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