Friday, March 13, 2009

++Life with two++

I can't believe it has been a whole week since I last posted. It wasn't so much that we were busy with our new was that Nana was here so I spent my blog time chatting and doing stuff with her. She went home today. I'm on my own for the first time. Reality will really hit next week. It's Wyatt's spring break so it will be five days of me and two kids. No activities, no help. Yikes. Let's just hope the weather cooperates. Here's an update on what's happening around here:
++Wyatt has been adjusting surprisingly well to the changes in our family. The other day he told me "I like my baby sister Claire" talk about melting your heart. He really likes to get in on the caretaking duties, especially bathing (see earlier posts about his enjoyment of "washing" things).

++We've been doing pretty well with sleep. I end up getting up about twice in the night. I can deal with that. Wyatt slept through the night at two months so I have this countdown in my head to that day. Won't I be surprised if this baby has her own agenda?
++I am getting pretty good at doing things with one hand. I'm also working on mobile breastfeeding. Yesterday I walked all the way from our bedroom to the family room to help Wyatt with the TV.
++We've dubbed Claire "goose" as she does a lot of honking and grunting. Thankfully for us, so far not a lot of crying.
++She also could be called "cat" as she seems to prefer to wait until she has a clean diaper to do her duty. We call this trick being double-bombed. I think the record so far has been quadruple-bombing, my mom was blessed with that. ++Mark has lost seven pounds since Claire was born. I think I am close to twenty (which includes the baby).
++I took Claire to a friend-of-a-friend's house to lend her services as a newborn model. She is trying to build her portfolio. Sadly, even at two weeks Claire was slightly past the newborn stage. And...she was too interested in what was going on for sleeping--which is what the photographer wanted. We did get some shots of the two of us (which as you have seen is a rarity). I'll post a link once more of the images are available.
++We were HOPING that we would be spared another spitty baby but after a seventeen day honeymoon, it appears it may be starting. My mom pointed out that if she is spitty-uppy that it will likely require more clothing changes which will help use more of the ridiculous amount of clothes in her closet.
++Claire has already been to four restaurants. We laugh because this would have made us too nervous with Wyatt.
++So far we think that Claire looks a lot like Wyatt when he was this age--which is interesting considering neither Mark or I look like our siblings. We're ok with this as we think Wyatt is pretty cute.

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