Saturday, December 27, 2008

++Wyatt and Santa...the saga+++

Our Christmas has been a little disjointed this year so I decided to group some of the photos into themes rather than chronologically. This was the first year that Wyatt sort of got what was going on at Christmas. He definitely recognized the character of Santa and pointed him out wherever he saw him. I decided I would tell him how Santa brought gifts and ask what he wanted Santa to bring him. He wasn't sure so I thought I would manage his expectations by having him anticipate some of the things that Santa might actually bring. So I asked---"Would you like it if Santa brought you some blocks?" he said that sounded good. That is where the conversation ended. Two weeks later I get this cute little interview recap from school:
My name is: Wyatt
Christmas is about: blocks
I want Santa to know that: I want a firetruck
The gift that I will GIVE mommy this year is: a tree and a train
I really hope I get a: block for Christmas
I know that Santa is watching me because: Mommy said he was

So I'm not sure how much the led him on some of those answers but the block answer was all his...too funny!

Round two was preparing him for sitting on Santa's lap. It just didn't seem the same not having our little group of friends go downtown Minneapolis to the same place I always went as a child for my Santa photo. So, we took advantage of the free Santa meet and greet at the clubhouse in our neighborhood. Wyatt had no interest in going but we told him over and over that this was his chance to tell Santa he wanted blocks. When we got there he wouldn't get near Santa. Finally I just told Mark that we should just plop him on his lap and quickly photograph whatever happens ('d think I would have learned something from Halloween!).
See the fear in that face? He sits down, doesn't even look at Santa and just keeps saying "blocks....blocks....blocks..." Then, he got used to the idea, and was enjoying his candy cane, and didn't want to get off.
Well, believe it or not, Santa followed Wyatt all the way down to Florida and delivered a stocking full of goodies on Christmas morning (along with a note telling him that he left the big stuff at his house back home...where we were headed later that day).
The biggest hit: the flashlight!
And...just to prove that I held true to my word of simplifying this year...this was the complete Christmas take from Florida. Everything we took home with us fit into the trike basket Wyatt got from my parents. Mainly because Mark and I didn't really get gifts for each other, instead we got "licenses to buy". Me: a new camera (yippee!!! stay tuned---and if you don't see any noticeable difference in the photos, just humor me and lie) Mark: a new driver (unfortunately there won't be any lying about the performance there as his scores will tell the true story).
And Santa didn't disappoint. When Wyatt got home from the airport waiting in the living room were three big gifts (which included the BLOCKS---which dad seems to be having more fun with these days).
Christmas has continued to trickle in for us. There were a few more presents under the tree that didn't go to Florida. We received a few gifts in the mail and Grandma and Grandpa are arriving on Thursday for a quick weekend (and two big boxes from them arrived yesterday that undoubtedly hold more Christmas fun for Wyatt).
Finally...I forgot to post this back when it happened. Here is Wyatt at his school's Christmas program. I went in with zero expectations. He did go up on stage willingly...and stood there...with his finger in his mouth while all the little girls around him sang. The best part is that the whole way home he told us all about how he sang on the stage and saw us waving to him in the audience.

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