Sunday, December 28, 2008

++Our tropical Christmas++

Here's a quick recap of our trip to Florida. It was a nice mini-vacation for us. We were originally going to celebrate in Tennessee but when it ended up just being my parents and us, we decided to go to them instead. A beach for Wyatt, golf for Mark, shopping for me...who could ask for more?
Making pancakes with Nana (like the new "cheese" we get sometimes?)
"Ta daahhh" Wyatt shows off his sandcastle

Playing at this fun tree house playground in Downtown Naples (just prior to going out to dinner on the water...not knowing in was Nutcracker night and Wyatt was going to be traumatized by the costumed waitstaff.)
Checking out the birds at the Naples Zoo. If I look afraid, it's because I am. ('s your 30 week shot)
Looking at monkeys from the boat. No fences here---the water does the job.
Not sure who had more fun...I'm guessing the big boy in white.
Does this look like your Christmas Eve?
The little beach bum.
An attempt at a nice photo with Nana and Bompa. He's not too into having his picture taken these days. Good thing I'm getting a new subject soon.
Helping Nana unwrap her gifts. Again---this cracks me up with the view of the pool and golf course in the background. It just doesn't quite add up for me!


Melissa Ho said...

Oh how I would love to spend Christmas eve on the beach! Glad you all had a great time. You're looking good. That baby will be here before you know it!

The Cogan's said...

Wyatt looks such a big boy in those photos !! looks like you had a great trip.