Tuesday, December 9, 2008

++Random: Round one++

I have all sorts of photos that I have taken thinking "this will be good blog fodder" fully intending them to be individual posts for your enjoyment. Well, I'm way too far behind to do it that way so here comes a random hodge podge of life here.
Here we are ("my girls" as Mark calls us) at 26 weeks...on Thanksgiving. I'm heading towards 29 weeks now--does that really mean only 11 more to go? I can't decide if that's good or bad.
Our Thanksgiving crew. Wyatt decided not to partake in any of the feast except for two helpings of cooked carrots. He also informed us that he was ready to go home right at 8pm...his bedtime. Oh---and the brined turkey was yummy. I highly recommend it!
"Washing dishes" is a favorite pastime these days. It's a great way to kill a half an hour but it is a tad messy...especially since he hasn't quite grasped the concept of volume and tends to pour from the big cups to the small ones. Our floors have never been so clean.

We put our tree up right after Thanksgiving so we can get our money's worth since we'll be gone the week before Christmas. It was really fun for everyone since we didn't put one up at all last year. I had kind of forgotten about lots of our ornaments and decorations. Wyatt got a kick out of the ones that Mark and I had as kids. He also had fun matching the colors of the ornaments (blue with blue, red with red, etc.) "They're exactly the same!" he'll tell us. This is him "helping" his dad on the ladder. Did I mention we got a misfit tree by accident? We assumed it would fall and be fuller, but it didn't.Wyatt helped his dad put the star on the top of the tree. Every morning when he wakes up and walks by the tree he says "uh oh mommy, tree lights off" so we plug them in and he says "ta daaa" as I must have said that the first time I did it.

Finally, an update on the ringworm. It's pretty much gone. It still looks bad in these photos because they are a week old. It's much more faded now. Hopefully he'll be ringworm free by the time we head to Florida.

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