Friday, November 7, 2008

++This is what 100 looks like++

We're super excited to be in Wisconsin this weekend to celebrate Mark's grandma's ("Busha" to Wyatt) 100th birthday. When I bought the one 100th card they sold at Hallmark last week the woman couldn't believe it. What's more amazing is that she still lives alone, cooks for herself and writes us the most wonderful, thoughtful letters. Tomorrow is the big party and I think she got about a 95% acceptance rate to our invitation (I'd like to take the credit since I did the invite but I think the person, and the milestone, were a bigger draw). We tried to get her on the Today Show with Willard Scott but longevity must come with the date...all the people they mentioned were upwards of 105!

Wyatt was a great traveler on our two flights to get here. I think we are definitely over the hump of the age where airplane flights are miserable. He has burst into tears a couple of times for no apparent reason and told us, "I want to go home". Poor kid. There's nothing much we can do to help him out with that one. Besides those moments he's having a blast with his grandparents.

Stupid me left my camera battery on the charger when I wrapped the cord around it and put it back in the drawer so we have been driving all over Stevens Point trying to find a replacement option that won't cost nearly as much as the camera. Typically I would go without but my job was to be photographer at the party. I do my best with my own camera. Check back in a couple of days for photos from the party of the century...literally!

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