Thursday, November 20, 2008

++Down here++

Just trying to think of what's new down here so I can update the blog. I haven't taken any photos since we've been back from Wisconsin...shame on me.
The baby is growing just fine. She is super busy...just like her brother was. I don't mind though, it's a constant reminder that everything is okay! Here's Wyatt checking up on her:

We're working on converting all things baby blue to baby pink. Wyatt's new bedroom set is ordered and on it's way. We've been talking it up big time. I'm secretly really excited for it to arrive because I want to start putting the baby's room together. I took two huge loads of clothes to a consignment store a couple of weeks ago (all the while thinking to myself "that ultrasound better not be wrong!"). My sister and I had amassed quite the collection of cute baby stuff. It's funny because when I hung it all up I noticed all the different colors...if you look at the girl stuff, it's all pink! It doesn't help either that I'm not much one for lavender.
I've also gone back to knitting. I sort of let it go after Wyatt was born. I'll be the first to admit that hand knits are so much cuter for girls than boys. I also learned my lesson about what types of things to knit. I'm going to make one newborn sweater and hat set and then just a bunch of hats until she's older. I spent months knitting stuff for Wyatt that only fit him for a little bit...and I was too afraid to put on him because he spit up so much! Here's what's first on the docket (I was hoping to order that super cute baby and the sweater...but the sweater will have to do)

Beyond that we're starting to get ready for the holidays. We're spending Thanksgiving here with our friends and heading to Florida for Christmas. My hopes of having the entire family here for Christmas were dashed by the fabulous airlines and the fact that somehow it needs to cost over $600 to fly from Seattle to Memphis. So we're off to the beach instead (and Nana and Bompa too). I'm trying really hard to keep it simple for Christmas this year. Last year Wyatt ended up with way too much it was overwhelming for all of us. We'll see if we can follow through on that one...

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