Wednesday, October 22, 2008

++Nana's Visit++

We had a busy week with a visit from Nana. We spent a lot of our time shopping for furniture for Wyatt's new room. It's not easy to find boy stuff (his favorite was the Cinderella carriage bed with four big wheels). I think we have settled on something, now Mark is excited to come in and negotiate. It's the time when Wyatt will have to "run off" so I don't have to sit there for the madness. I've already played along with round one of his strategy which is playing it cool and not acting overly interested in anything. I refused to say "money is tight these days" like he wanted me to though.
We had a good time shopping for baby girl as well. Those of you who know me well know how much I love a bargain (it's genetic). We cleaned up at this children's boutique that had all their summer stuff for 80% off.
Wyatt took no time at all to warm up to Nana. He's obviously at the age where he remembers people from one visit to the next which is nice. He insisted she play train table and read stories and do puzzles. He's really into this puzzle we have with the alphabet letters. He knows about half of his letters and I think it's mainly from the puzzle. I'm realizing what a sponge he is...I told him "Q" was like "O" with a tail and now he doesn't say Q but "O tail". Here's some photos from the week:
First we started by cleaning the place up before she came. Wyatt has taken a liking to the vacuum cleaner after 2 years of severely detesting it. He insisted on helping
"puuuusssshhhh" and "puuuulllll".

Here he is with Nana after the eagerly anticipated arrival of his Halloween costume (via the "big brown truck" previously of shoe delivery fame---he is starting to think that thing is great).
Having a snack at the park.
Helping Nana "make" cookies. He was fascinated that the pumpkins were on both sides. Oh--and eating the results wasn't so bad either.
Dad trying on the train engineer costume (he's going to kill me for this). Low enthusiasm from the intended wearer has caused us to take drastic measures. Three more days until the first Halloween party. We've been working on it nightly. Ugh.

Last, but not least, we don't want to leave the little girl out of things. Here I am, 21 weeks.

One more note: I wish I could post a few photos here but I'm not able to capture the photos from her site (smart on her part). We had Wyatt's two year photos taken. He didn't really want to cooperate but the results were pretty good. They seem to capture the personality of the little guy. He refused to have any taken in her studio so we went outside...which isn't really meant for pictures. Most of his laughing was at their little dog... Take a look and let me know what you like. I'm having a tough time deciding. click on "client proofing" password is "Wyatt".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kate,

Glad Wyatt liked the puzzles. Also congrats on the pink :)

The pictures of Wyatt are really cute. (You can be tricky and nab the photos with a screen shot and some cropping.) I've got the one of him peeking around the pole and giggling cyclying through my wallpapers.
