Saturday, October 4, 2008

++Cappin' off the second year++

Wyatt had quite the celebration to induct him into the terrible twos. Maybe we're secretly hoping if we start out will make what's supposed to be a tough year, not so bad. So far, so good!

Checking out the loot. These were just the family presents. Mom and Dad gave him the train table. Finally! Something to fill our empty dining room (and keep us questioning how we turned into people who are excited about this).

Peeking in to see what's from Nana and Bompa (it was all the tracks and stuff for the table).

I didn't want to wear my hat, but it was sure funny to see it on Grandma's head! Check out my new dump truck from Grandma and Grandpa. I like to use it to transport as many things as I can fit in it, around the house.

Testing out the new train table. Verdict: very fun! We opted to go with the Plan City. It's tracks fit Thomas trains but they also have roadways and all sorts of fun buildings (like this FIRE STATION!!!)

Our gourmet birthday dinner. Wyatt chose the location :"Donalds". I'm not sure who was more excited though, Grandpa or Wyatt. (We're still working on training Gma and Gpa to look at the camera for photos, not Wyatt...)

More presents after dinner (we needed a break). Fun stuff included puzzles from the Rominskis and Matt and Taylor and a cool ferry boat and books from Larson and family.
Saturday was party day. Wyatt was thrilled to see the big bunch of balloons enter his house. He was equally traumatized the following day to find them all on the ground.
The kids in the sand box.
Olly took it upon himself to make sure everyone was equipped with a hat.
Waiting for lunch with Sydney. We moved things inside because it was too hot outside. Why wouldn't it be hot---it's only almost October!!!
Working on the pinata.
The boys enjoying the fruits of their labor (Olly, Wyatt and Will).
The cake was from Baskin Robbins. Strawberry ice cream and white cake.
Blowing the candle out...a great finish to a fun two-day celebration. Then we all took a nap.

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