Sunday, October 5, 2008

++A year of blogging++

82 posts. 5,493 visitors (since January). Two houses. Two cities. A new job. A new baby on the way. Lots of trips. Lots of milestones. Lots of work. Lots of fun.

Now for the payoff. I'm going to use this great site and publish my blog into a book. I don't do journals. I don't do scrapbooks. I've been horrible at even printing my photos (but we all know I take enough of them). So this will be it. Our little keepsake for a year in our life. I'll let you know how it goes. It's supposed to "slurp" it all off the site (their word not mine). But from a trial run a little while ago, I learned that I may need to do a little formatting. You can also buy a copy for yourself. Ha ha ha. I'm just glad some of you take the time to check up on us every once in a while. It can be pretty lonely in our new city and sometimes it's nice to know the people that we care about the most can still share in our life. But not comment...that's another story... I can tell most of my readers are from Minnesota due to the lack of comments left :)

The next year is sure to be eventful as well. Hope you enjoy it!


The Cogan's said...

What is the website where I can find this information out ?

Kate Pacyna said...

It's It should be a hyperlink from my mention in the blog. So far it's been a huge pain...I'll let you know how it goes.